Thursday 16 July 2015

Porn is just prostitution with a camera--a public health Crisis

WASHINGTON – Porn is just prostitution with a camera — that was the message at a Capitol Hill briefing Tuesday on the ties between sex trafficking, prostitution, and pornography.
Experts at the symposium, titled "Pornography: a
Public Health Crisis," revealed in America, where the vast majority of men consume porn, making for an ever more violent culture connected to prostitution and sex trafficking. 

This is world wide, it is not just happening in Washington—the porn industry a $70 billion dollar industry. It is a world wide, public health crisis, not just in the USA—this is global.  
The video from the entire symposium is below, which as a parent, as a member of society, you are going to want to watch. 
And no Fifty Shades of Grey and Kim Kardashian do not escape being mentioned, as dangerous to our society, by leading medical professionals from around the world who spoken in Washington. 

National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCSE) hosted an influential symposium right in the U.S. Capitol building July 14, 2015. This video is a must watch. Medical professionals in different fields of medicine showing the public health crisis and links to child abuse, domestic violence, rape, disrespect to girls and women, violence is pornography. There are hundreds of published medical studies to support this evidence.

Children as young as 1 year old are kidnapped, or being bred from the purpose of sex trafficking for pornography, most have a life span of 3-7 years. So by the time that child is 8 years old their life is over. That is the reality. We have more in two articles just posted in the last few days Here... Human trafficking, figures from Home-Land Security

Human trafficking has become the second most profitable industry after drug trafficking.

These are articles you must read if you give a Dam about our planet and the people we share it with.

The United Nations defines torture as any act by which severe, pain or suffering, weather that be physical or emotional, is intentionally inflicted on a person. (unborn-baby, babies, children, women, men)
 New stats also show 87% of sexual abusers who have watched pornography will use that pornography to act this out on a female child. 67% will act this out on a male child. The highest demand for prostitution and pornography is now for children under the age of 16 years of age.

#FightTheNewDrug the new drug is pornography, streaming into family homes. Eight year old boys are watching pornography, learning sexual and domestic violence from pornography. 
A child's brain can not comprehend what they are seeing, and here begins the damage to that child. 
 Children are learning Abuse & Sexual Violence from Porn. New medical studies finds Article

Australian Cities Take Top Spots In Virtual Reality Porn Viewing Data from Google reveals the Cities that are the top 10 players in this VR porn movement, Helsinki is number one followed by Sydney in second spot Melbourne and Brisbane take up 3 & 4th spot. They in turn are followed by Singapore, Tel Aviv and Seoul.
Telstra TPG and Optus are all experiencing growth in porn content across their networks with one carrier telling Channel News that on some nights “adult content” attracts “a high level of viewing”.
Analysts claim that the adult VR industry will reach $1 billion by 2025 and new data suggests their claims are becoming a reality.
Full Article and Data collected Here     
For those readers who don't know Virtual Porn is also the raping of children. We have collected the pictures and data on this with our research world wide. It is detailed in this article below, and the legislation passed which allows this to continue.

Ad for Durex's XXL range encouraging violence against women, sexualizing them them as nothing more than sex objects. Adds like this are dangerous to society, it objectifies girls and women on so many levels.


"A cinema verite look at the disturbing exploitative world of amateur porn." - LATimes. An official 2015 Sundance selection, "Hot Girls Wanted" 

shines a light on the thriving "amateur" porn industry through the experiences of five young women in the business. Produced by Rashida Jones, "Hot Girls Wanted" the full video..... 
full article. There is no sex in the video, scroll down to view the article. either click on the picture or the links to take you to the full documentary video in our google docs.This is a must watch documentary. 

In 1991 The Pornography industry founded the free speech coalition lobbing group, which they then built a relationship with lobbying law, state officials, while tracking legislation, through 50 states of the USA.

Bill Lion the former director of the free speech coalition, was also a lobbyists for the defense industry.  

In 2003 60 Minutes reporter Steve Croft interviewed Bill Lion about his role, now lobbying for the adult-porn industry.

"Its all votes and money" Mr Lions said.

US Supreme Court granted the pornography industry the right to produce images, which stimulated child pornography, using computer generated technology, and youthful looking adults, including children. (So what this means is, the porn industry could generate realist pictures of a child being raped, sodomized, sexual abused. The pictures are so real, they look like real children, and adults.) we do have pictures of what this looks like, the pictures are horrific, and we will not be posting them on our site. If you want to see for yourself then just google the above.


So we have the US Government body taking money from the Pornography business, and in return they made it possible for the Adult-porn Industry to use pictures... depicting children being raped..... so some sexual abuser, sitting in his office, hotel room, home, can watch these real life pictures, videos, of child pornography, sexual abuse, rape, sodomizing. This then increasing the demand for the real thing, real children, to be sex-trafficked, to be used, and sexually abuse, for the porn industry. This is exactly what happened, and is happening to this very day. An epidemic of sexual abuse.

Our Governments world wide make millions of dollars off the porn industry, of the sexual abuse of human beings and children. 

Society has men, married...with families who are sexual abusers-pedophiles, leading double lives. These men can be politicians, Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, Accountants, Judges, CEO's,  or just every day family men. To see the video from a survivor... an adult man who was sold into the human trafficking--sex industry, and used and abused, by these sort of men...being drugged and forced into sexual acts up to 40 times a day as a young child. follow this link to our article where we have the video.


 The Price of Pleasure... video-documentary which is also about the dangers of the porn industry video 2. This is a very confronting video. Material from 60 minutes, and other syndicated shows in the USA. you can either click on the picture or the link to take you to the full video part 1 in our google docs. There are 6 videos to this documentary which we bought...we have only uploaded one for viewing.
Filmmaker Info Director & Producer: Chyng Sun & Miguel Picker

It is also used as an educational documentary in Universities, with Sociology and Psychology. A must watch, it will make you pay attention to the dangers of porn and sexual exploitation of girls and women... this is not the same at the other videos in this article. 
In this video a very confronting look into the entire sex industry...Porn Industry it will show you that women are just meat, sexual objects for sale, there for the pleasure of these men. 

Men are coming out and saying this quite openly in this video. 
"When a guy cums on a women's face it is like a dog marking its territory." quote from a guy-a producer, from the sex industry. 
"Women like being dominated, sexual abused" Quote from men.
"Women are sex objects, not a person." Quote from men.
Women, girls, are nothing more than a sex object to these men who are addicted to porn and the sex industry...addicted to sexual violence, and abuse of women, children.
Like the other video in this article this video is even more confronting and an absolute must watch. We  have the full videos (6 videos, but we will only upload 1 from this documentary, this is the edited version also....we did have to buy this video.)  The Price of Pleasure... video-documentary which is also about the dangers of the porn industry video 2. This is a very confronting video. Material from 60 minutes, and other syndicated shows in the USA.

Experts like Dr. Gail Dines, author of the book Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality, discussed what top, well-respected researchers are finding.
"When they studied 50 of the top-selling, top-watched scenes in porn, 90 percent had some form of sexual, physical, or emotional violence against women," Dines told a huge crowd gathered for the symposium.
"This is the peer-reviewed literature. Those who
argue that pornography is not violent are basically lying, or what they say is not based on peer-reviewed literature," she said.
Several speakers compared the blasé attitude toward porn today to the blasé attitude toward smoking before its many dangers were known and well-publicized.

 Dr. Gail Dines professor and lecturer. An academic, she has also been described as "The world's leading anti-pornography campaigner". speaks at the 2014 Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Summit about the harmful messages communicated in "Fifty Shades of Grey." You must watch this very short video, a must watch.
What Dr Gail Dines says in the video is 100% correct. Here is a real life Fifty Shades of Grey Night Mare. A women who lived this life, was beaten, sexual abused, Financially and  Psychologically abused, and her child killed. DON'T BE SEDUCED BY THE DARK SIDE Article : you need to read this article.
Come on young ladies, ladies, men and the world, you need to wake the hell up, you have all been asleep far too long. 

As medical professionals, Psychologists, PhD, Sociologists we have been to Dr Dines seminars, she been in Australia. She is a true pioneer, exposing sexual abuse, through pornography, exposing sex-- human trafficking through the porn industry.  How this effects your children, you as parents, our entire society, the world we live in. 
Dr Dines is a true humanitarian, she deserves a medal for her tireless work she does, just like the millions of other advocates..humanitarians. Sexual violence--domestic violence are all interlinked.  Like Dr Dines says and anyone person who is a Psychologist, Socialist, Doctor.... knows. "When you sexualize violence, it makes the violence invisible" as professionals we all know this is the case, this is exactly what happens.

 Fifty Shades of red room of pain...... Anna being hit by Christian
This is not love. This is abuse, sexual abuse, violence. At the end there was no remorse for what he had done. Psychopath. There is no nudity in this readers. Our designers obtained this for us in 2015, and did an edit for us, of the scene near the end, of the violence by Christian Grey. Our team of designers have blurred out any nudity. We did have this on youtube last year, but it got blocked. 
We still have this video in our google docs account, where we then showed the video. Video article here, and you will want to read this as well. Article Video Link here
Now 3 months ago youtube unblocked the video. This video edit is to show you the violence and the absolute lack of remorse by Christian for his actions. This is what happens in real life. But in real life, you wouldn't be able to sit for months, you would have bruises and broken skin from a beating link this. It would take up to 6 months to heal, and you would also have scars.

That readers is why Fifty Shades of Grey...Grey is so dangerous, it is promoting sexual violence, domestic violence, rape, control, demeaning of a women,  to your children, to women, giving boys, men, permission to sexually abuse, do what ever the hell they want. As professionals just like Dr Gail Dines we see the victims of this abuse, one of our own authors was married to a Christian Grey and suffered shocking abuse, much worse than the books.  

Under the classification of porn...Fifty Shades of Grey fits in that classification. It is porn, pornography, sexual violence. Yet is available at the local department store in Australia. In other countries around the world it is banned in those stores as it is classed as porn.
You can not go into your local department store such as Target and purchase porn movies, and Fifty Shades of Grey should be no different. It is available on the sleezy porn sites, just google it.  
We want our Governments to ban Fifty Shades of Grey from all department stores, cinemas and video outlets. If people want to watch this utter crap of sexual violence, then let them buy it from Erica James porn site.

The entire book series books four being the book "GREY" are full of sexual violence....domestic violence. The book Grey even worse, shocking in fact. Grey is identical to book one, identicle story line, nothing different except for; Erica James was looking to cash in, so she just made the book nastier with more rape, more sexual violence, more demeaning of women, more trash.

Erica James and the producer of this violent trash only see this as romance and nothing more. So this is a man Dana Brunetti, who is quoted in video interviews as saying "He could not wait to make this love story." this man, see's this sexual violence  and domestic violence, rape, control all the way through four books as a romance. No wonder society is going to hell in a hand-basket, rapes and sexual abuse crimes are up when this guys sees these crimes as romance.

Jamie Dornan, Dakota Johnson, Erica James all researching sex dungeons, hard core porn... for Fifty Shades of Grey. Jamie Dornan went to sex dungeons, where the sex, is sexual violence.... to the extreme. 
 This is what happens in a sex dungeon in what Jamie Dornan would have gone to see, ... for research for his role in Fifty Shades of Grey...what Erica James and her Husband were going to watch, getting off on. 

A sleazy room, with chairs around the main attraction, which would be a women hog tied down with rope, naked. The audience sit in their seats, or they can participate in the sexual abuse of this young women. She is fucked seven shades of Sunday, mouth, ass, vagina... most of the time all at once. The audience can come up and participate, or they can sit in their chairs and masturbate watching this women being sexually abused. This young women is constantly punished if she disabays what is being said to her, she is only allowed to orgasm when she is given permission to. The women has tears streaming down her face, from pain, and suffering. Crying.

Put in sex dungeons videos, into your search browser, and see what it shows you. Video's of  hard core porn. Fifty Shades of Grey, Jamie Dornan, Dakota Johnson can be found on the sleazy porn sites for viewing. They must be so proud of themselves.

The books and movie Fifty Shades of Grey are promoting sexual violence to society, to young children, to young and older adults. We have already seen the victims of this sexual violence, and the death of a child. The movie; well for those of you who saw it, it ends from book one with shocking sexual violence. And to Erica James this is OK, because this is romance.  

It took four books for society to finally wake up and see, really see, what they are reading....pure sexual violence, domestic violence...and Christian Grey a sexually abusing Psychopath, who gets off on pure sexual violence, and controlling women. 

Erica James a women, wrote four books.... she sexualized the books, to take your attention away from the violence...she made the.... violence, sexual violence, domestic violence, rape, control, then invisible to the readers. There are a lot of desperate, very naive, silly women in the world still..... naive to sexual violence, domestic violence. 
It was not until Erica James was called out on her sexual violence, domestic violence, rape, degrading of a women, it then showed what these books were.... that then, millions of women, men woke up, did not want any part of this rubbish.

This is what marketing does, it directs your focus onto something... or in the books Fifty Shades of Grey, case.... away from being the sexual violence, rape, domestic violence....James portrayed with marketing that these books were nothing more than just romance, and the rape, sexual-domestic violence, abuse, control, degrading of a women and keeping women as sex slaves, and hore's to be used and abused is all romance. 

But there is still a huge audience of people who get off on sexual violence, who cant get off..get an erection, or orgasm, unless what they are reading, and watching, is sexual violence. Erica James is one such person, she wrote the books, this is her life, her sex life she said so in interviews.  
People who get off on this type of sexual violence are dangerous to our society; their sexual arousal's goes further, it goes to children also. It did in the case of Erica James, her character is sexually abusing young 15 year old boys.
Erica James books, all four books, including book 4 Grey, especially book 4 Grey, were written not only by a women, but by a man. You speak to any expert in this field of sex, Psychology and they will tell you exactly the same thing. It is evident in the content through all four books.

Speak to the researchers, the Psychologist, Sociologists, Doctors who specialize in this area, we know the stats, we know the minds of these people, we see the victims. 

A women left a comment on our social media page..."He husband and her love watching porn, they also liked Fifty Shades of Grey, and if what we are watching and reading is sexual violence, then too bad because we like it" This is the type of persons dangerous to our society. They get off reading and watching very young women, some still girls being sexually abuse, being used by men as hores, sex slaves, having unspeakable things done to them. But not just girls, boys also...young boys get sexually abused as well.

Just months ago 2015 two young boys only eight years old access Pornography--downloaded it, off their school  computer, they then used the material, the scenes, which were sexual violence to sexually abuse an eight year old girl.

 When pornography is the primary sex educator, it teaches lessons of violence, degradation, and selfishness that are not compatible with healthy, loving, relationships.

This is what is happening in our society, children are getting their sexual education from porn. From sexual violence...because that is what Pornography is 90% made up off sexual violence. Hell people we have seen it this year with Fifty Shades of Grey, the books 100% sexual violence, the movie sexual violence. Read the Article Here Don't be Seduced by the Dark side

The movie is rated R...but yet now in Australia the classification has been dropped for the DVD to 15+. Everywhere else in the world it is R rated. No wonder Australia has such a high record of sexual violence when the board for classification does this. And the DVD is also going to contain deleted R rated scenes. Nice one Australia.

We have already contacted target in Australia to have this video, R rated sexual violence, removed from their family stores.

We have boys now aged 10-15 average age, accessing porn thinking this is how you have sex, this is how you treat a women. We have boys who are becoming addicted to watching porn at 10 and growing up to be adults with porn addiction. We have more on our Facebook page about this 

“My Porn Addiction Started at Age 10″ Ten Tips from a Father in Recovery  Porn Proof Kids .com

Our authors wrote an article just last week on

Psychology of human sexuality "You deserve Pleasure during Sex" read the article here

The article talks about your children's sexuality being high-jacked by porn. Sexual abuse and much more, a must read for parents, everyone.
Porn is destroying relationships, marriages, families..... Read the full article here

They said just as cigarettes are poison for the lungs, researchers are finding pornography is poison for the eyes, the development of the brain, and the sexual conscience.
Dr. Melissa Farley, executive director of the organization Prostitution Research & Education, flew in from San
Francisco for a presentation titled "Pornography, Prostitution and Trafficking: Making the Connections."
Farley told CBN News that porn users should realize these connections.

Dr. Gail Dines professor and lecturer. An academic, she has also been described as "The world's leading anti-pornography campaigner". How Porn Creates the John: Porn, Trafficking and the "Social Construction of Masculinity"
 You must watch this  video, a must watch for any parent, any man or women.

"Ninety percent of prostitution is online,"  "Traffickers advertise women for sale using pornography today. It's a way to traffic women."
Prostitution with a Camera
And Farley asked users to really consider what that naked woman they're viewing is actually doing.
"She's performing an act of prostitution for the
camera," Farley asserted. "The only difference between pornography and prostitution is that a camera's in the room. As a survivor said, 'Prostitution is legal if you've got a camera.'"
The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCSE) hosted the symposium.
"All these forms of sexual exploitation are not happening in a vacuum but really are connected, and pornography is one of the root causes of this," NCSE Executive Director Dawn Hawkins told attendees.
Today some porn users are finding to their surprise the material is hurting them, too. Cornelia Anderson, founder of Sensibilities Prevention Services, fights adult and child sexual harm. She told CBN News many adults confess to her that porn is ruining their real-life intimate relations.

Published on May 29, 2015. We have the full documentary here at this link to our google docs to watch the full documentary, there is no sex in this people, this is a documentary on the dangers of the porn industry.
"A cinema verite look at the disturbing exploitative world of amateur porn." - LATimes. An official 2015 Sundance selection, Hot Girls Wanted shines a light on the thriving "amateur" porn industry through the experiences of five young women in the business. Produced by Rashida Jones, Hot Girls Wanted is only on Netflix. 
This is a much watch documentary showing the dangers of the porn industry...for your children....readers you absolutely must watch this Sundance film documentary....yes even Kim Karashasian does not escape from being mentioned, because that's how she started as a porn star, with her own sex tapes and is dangerous to our society.
Kim Kardashian is mentioned in all the videos as being dangerous to our society to our children.  

Fifty Shades of Grey is also mentioned because after all this movie and books are porn, sexual violence, even this world acclaimed film maker saw this. 
We have the full documentary here is the link to our google docs to watch the full documentary, there is no sex in this people, this is a documentary on the dangers of the porn industry.

The nativity of these girls in this video is just unbelievable.  No protection for sex scenes. No birth control...they say because the guys don't cum inside them they cant get pregnant, they pull out before they cum. For any person who does not know the medical facts here....yes you can get pregnant from having sex, using the withdraw method. 
A guy will have a small amount of sperm which excretes for want of a better word while in sexual acts, before he fully ejaculates, orgasms. So yes you can get pregnant.

Heart breaking, brutally honest  portrayal of five young very naive girls brand new into the porn industry, who are now struggling to come to terms with what they are doing.
They are now worried and scared at the things they are being forced to do in scenes. 
These girls are being sexually exploited, shocking sexual abuse after just being booked with a few jobs. 
Three of the five girls featured in this story were out after four months.

We are actually going to be sitting down with out teens and watch this full documentary with them, to show them the dangers of the porn industry. The full video does not contain any sex scenes, the film makers have edited everything out. This is an award winning documentary.

Twitter is key to an aspiring porn stars success. Unlike Facebook and instagram, it does not censor most pornographic content.
Minimum age for a twitter account is 13 years old.
But it is still illegal and a Federal crime to share R rated material with a minor. 

Our own twitter accounts are always getting follows, requests from porn stars in the making, young girls who look more like 16 than 18 years old. When you view their page its all private unless you click to follow then it takes you to their porn website to view more.

We have also see full on porn accounts on twitter, to view you have to be invited into the accounts, there it is full sex acts, submissive acts, master and slave. Shocked the hell out of us, we really had no idea twitter allowed this. These accounts though are very strict who is able to view the content. But still this is porn on twitter.

She reported they'll say things about porn like, "I'm looking at that and I'm getting aroused by that and I suddenly find I can't be aroused by the real thing, by the real person."
More Fizzle than Sizzle
Anderson said porn promises sexual sizzle, but for many disappointed couples, it's leading to more fizzle than sizzle.
"This is supposed to be a sex enhancer, but instead it's harmful. It's the same lies the tobacco industry used," Anderson
contended. "That this would help you with your anxiety, make you look sexy."
"Now we're still hearing that," he continued, "that
to be hip, if you want to show you're hip sexually and cool and show you're tolerant and 'with it,' then you're supposed to be okay with your partner using porn or using it yourself. That's the message people of all ages are getting."
"Then they're finding out that it's deadening their
arousal," he said. "It's hampering their ability to be intimate with the person they love and care about. It's affecting their sexual functioning."
Anderson and her colleagues are waging a campaign
to, as she put it, "recognize that this is an issue that affects the
health and well-being of all of us."

Porn is destroying relationships and marriages. Men or women are becoming addicted to porn. The majority of porn addiction is from the males but there are also a small percentage of women also addicted to porn. They cant have sex with out watching porn prior to or during sex or they are watching it behind their partners back.
Porn is causing ED in young and older males who have become addicted to porn.  READ The full article here.

This is an example of a real case, that was worked on by one of our Psychologist. A boy was introduced to porn by his father...his father gave him porn to watch when he was 13 years old, to learn sex from. 
The boy at 14 becomes verbally and physically abusive to his siblings and mother.
The boy at 18 addicted to porn, and now has a girlfriend who he is being sexually and physically abusive with. 
We have to add the girlfriend is older by eight years, and was forced into prostitution in her country to survive when she was fourteen years old, she is from Malaysia, came into Australia on a work visa. 
The boy is Australian, five generation Australian.
The boy who is now a man 27 years old, addicted to very violent porn, which he forces on his partner. He has been with his Malaysian girlfriend now for eight years, not married, doesn't want kids, or marriage because they will get in the way of his sex life....his words.
The girlfriend is trapped now in a sexually, and domestically, Physiologically, verbally, abusive relationship, with no where to go.
She went from being a prostitute in Malaysia, came to Australia to make a new life through a work program and now works full time, and is also a prostitute all over again to the man she lives with.
We also have to add the young man now wants threesomes with another guy with her.

This is becoming a very typical story of domestic violence not only in Australia but world wide.

You don't have to be a women from a foreign country on a five year visa to have this happen to you, it is happening to women who are educated, born in Australia.
Boys are learn domestic violence, sexual violence from porn as well.  

Dr. Tyger Latham is a clinical psychologist practicing in Washington, D.C., where he specializes in men's issues, trauma, and LGBT concerns.
I often see men in my practice who are referred by their urologists for “sexual performance issues.”  Frequently, these men present with erectile dysfunction(ED), premature ejaculation, or in some cases delayed ejaculation.  By the time they reach me, most of them have undergone all kinds of medical tests, only to be told that their “plumbing is just fine” and so their problems must be in their heads.  Maybe in some cases this is true, but often I find the problem is more complicated.  In fact, I’m starting to see a growing number of men whose ED appears to stem from a combination of both physiological and psychological factors. 

Several male clients have asked me whether I think their ED might be related to their frequent reliance on pornography when masturbating.  Like many health professionals who work with sexual dysfunction in men, I use to think that a man’s ability to get an erection and orgasm while viewing pornography was by definition a rule out for ED.  “If you can get it up and climax during porn than the problem can’t be physical,” I erroneously concluded; but anecdotal evidence has got me thinking otherwise.
In researching this topic, I quickly discovered that my male clients are not alone.  A cursory search of the Internet unearthed dozens of websites and message boards inundated with personal accounts of men who attest to the fact that excessive masturbation to online pornography has seriously interfered with their ability to be sexually intimate with a partner.

Dr. Sharon Cooper treats sexually exploited children. She said the average age children are first exposed to adult pornography and perversions is 11 or 12 now. She said many are having hardwired into their young brains scenes of "unprotected sex, sex with anybody, multiple partner sex."

"Not only do they not know how to process that very
well, but they begin to believe that this is how they're supposed to behave when they go on their first dates," Cooper said.
Porn + Internet = Addictive Danger
Cooper, who is a pediatrician, pointed out the
Internet plus pornography is an especially dangerous, addictive combination for children viewing it.
 "We as pediatricians have a huge concern that this
is becoming their sexual education," she said. "But because it's on the Internet, which in and of itself has a relative addictive nature, when you add that to the content of sexually abusive images, then we become very, very concerned for youth."
 Dines presented some shocking statistics on just how 'pornified' the Internet is these days.

How Does a Sex Addiction Expert Teach HIS Kids to Avoid Porn?

"Thirty six percent of the Internet is porn," she
said. "The online porn industry makes over $300,000 a second. One in four search queries is about porn. Porn sites get more visitors each month than Netflix, Amazon, and Twitter combined."
Anderson is frightened for the young generations being shaped by porn that's so easily accessible on the Internet and that is so violent in nature.
"The content is so much more violent; it's much more
about violence than sex," Anderson explained. "So you're seeing a very different content at a much younger age when our brains are still under development."
"Then add multi-stimulation of the Internet, the access, so the message is, 'This is what everybody's doing. This is just normal sex. This is what I'm supposed to be aroused by.' All of that is problematic when you're shaping arousal to the kinds of degradation that are depicted in today's pornography," she warned.
Equally Toxic As for those women seen on-screen, many are hurt as badly by pornographers as they are by pimps and sex traffickers.

"The same things happen to women who are pornographized, trafficked, and prostituted," Farley explained. "They're recruited in many of the same ways. The same kind of violence and coercion channel them into the sex industry."

Hawkins summed up various ways "pornography is becoming a societal plague."
"It is affecting the developing brains of children and their sexual templates," she told the symposium audience.
"We're seeing increased sexual dysfunction among
young men these days," she noted. "We're seeing increased demand for prostituted and trafficked women and children and increased child sexual abuse."
She concluded, "Our courts and our jails are overwhelmed with predators right now and we would argue that pornography
has played a role in that."
In fact, featured speaker Dr. Mary Anne Layden, who
has treated and studied thousands of sexual predators across the
decades, often points out she's never come across a sexual predator who wasn't also an avid consumer of pornography.
Hard to Find a Porn-Free Male
How widespread is the porn plague? Dines summed up
her talk saying, "It's virtually impossible now in the United States of America to find males who do not use pornography."
Farley said those users need to realize their pleasure comes at the price of a whole lot of pain for the women and children seen in porn.

We are seeing husbands in marriages, even partners in relationships sexually abusing their partners, thinking this is OK to do this. Controlling women, forcing their partners to do things they do not want to do. Men watching porn and thinking what is projected, the sexual violence, they are now addicted to, is OK for them to do to their partners. 

An article we came across just last week, a women was raped, beaten by her husband almost killed because she refused a threesome. This is reality, this is happening all over the world in relationships... we see it, Doctors, Psychologists, councilors all see this abuse.

 Boys are being taught that girls are commodity for their sexual enjoyment, these boys grow up to be men and then sexually abuse these girls who are now women.
These boys are learning domestic violence. 
Domestic violence has many shades, there is obviously the hitting, through physical contact, sexual abuse, verbal, physiological, stalking....and many more.
Children can learn from watching a parent abuse or they can also watch abuse by watching pornography.
 We are certainly not saying all men are like this because they simply are not.

In the last month our own twitter pages have been sent requests from Prostitutes, which lead back to their websites. All you have do is click to confirm you are 18 years or older and you get a free show...a sample of whats to offer. This is being offered to your children on the internet. We have seen for ourselves what is being offered up for free viewing, its porn, sex, oral sex, sexual violence also. We were quite surprised actually. 

 This is just one of the many requests for follows we get sent. The graphic sexual content had to be whited out, and we also whited out the account name and website so children don't see this and go to the site.

"If you understand what sexual abuse is, what humiliation is, what rape and intimate partner violence---domestic violence are, then imagine if people get paid and are generating profits from those activities. That's what the sex industry is," Farley explained.
"Just because there's money thrown at acts of violence and coercion and sexual assault of children, it doesn't mean it's any different," she said.

This is what we are trying to get through to parents and individuals, Porn is dangerous for many reasons all of which have been covered in this one article and videos.

 The price of pleasure documentary this is a documentary about porn and the porn industry.  It is also used as an educational documentary in Universities, with Sociology and Psychology.  
A must watch, it will make you pay attention to the dangers of porn... this is not the same at the other videos in this article. In this video a very confronting look into the entire sex industry...Porn Industry it will show you that women are just meat, sexual objects for sale, there for the pleasure of these men. Men are coming out and saying this quite openly in this video. 
"When a guy cums on a women's face it is like a dog marking its territory." quote from a guy-a producer, from this video. 
"Women like being dominated, sexual abused" Quote.
Women, girls, are nothing more than a sex object to these men who are addicted to porn and the sex industry.
Like the other video in this article this video is even more confronting and an absolute must watch. We  have the full videos (6 videos, but we will only upload 1 from this documentary, this is the edited version also....we did have to buy this video.)  The Price of Pleasure... video-documentary which is also about the dangers of the porn industry video 2. This is a very confronting video. Material from 60 minutes, and other syndicated shows in the USA. 
Filmmaker Info Director & Producer: Chyng Sun & Miguel Picker
Editor: Miguel Picker
Written by: Chyng Sun & Robert Wosnitzer
Associate Producer: Robert Wosnitzer
Assistant Editor: Michelle Chang
Post-Production Supervisor: Miguel Picker
Original Music: Miguel Picker
Sound Design: Miguel Picker
Director of Photography: Miguel Picker
Music: Miguel Picker Motion Graphics: Miguel Picker

Filmmaker's Bios

CHYNG SUN | Producer, Director & Writer
Dr. Chyng Sun is a filmmaker and a Clinical Associate Professor of Media Studies at McGhee Liberal Arts, School of Continuing and Professional Studies at New York University. Her research interests include media literacy; race, gender and sexuality in media; and audience research/media effects. With Miguel Picker, Sun produced the documentaries Mickey Mouse Monopoly: Disney, Childhood and Corporate Power and Beyond Good and Evil: Media, Children and Violent Times (both distributed by the Media Education Foundation). She has been researching the topic of pornography since the summer of 2004. Together with Robert Wosnitzer and two other scholars, Sun designed a large-scale research project on the content of the most-rented pornographic movies of 2005. Her forthcoming book Fantasies Matter (working title) will be published by the Peter Lang Publishing Company in 2010.  

How long are our Governments through out the world and Australia going to keep protecting child  sexual abusers. How long is this Government going to keep ignoring child abuse, child sexual abuse, an epidemic in Australia and around the world.

Ireland is in the process of  introducing a new Bill,
that introduces sentences of up to 14 years for people who groom children for sexual purposes.

Child Grooming Bill. We need to have this same bill right here in Australia and everywhere around the world...this has to be done. Child abuse, sexual abuse has been covered up far too long.
  A person who uses any means to communication to entice a child to act in a way that “would constitute sexual exploitation of the child” could face up to 14 years in jail.

 "Depraving a child"
 “It will also be a separate offence to send a child sexually explicit material by means of information and communications technology. Familiarising a child with such material is a classic grooming technique which seeks to desensitise a child to sexual activity.”
Speaking about the Sexual Offences Bill, which will cover other aspects of sexual grooming, he said:
A person who, for the purpose of corrupting or depraving a child, causes that child to witness or watch sexual activity or view sexually-explicit material will commit an offence. It will also be an offence for a person, for their own sexual gratification, to cause a child to witness or watch sexual activity.
This Bill sends a very strong message to Child sexual abusers.

UnChained Project wants to mobilize advocates willing to provide awareness and support for survivors of child trafficking living in silence in your community. Here's why;
  • Over 100,000 underage girls and boys are trafficked into slavery
  • Odds of being rescued; 1 in 100 
  • Of every three child victims, two are girls and one is a boy
  • AVERAGE age a child is first exploited by prostitution is 12-14 years old
  • Infants are often identified in child pornography
  • They may be forced into sex 20 to 48 times a day
  • Life span of a victim can be as little as 2 to 4 years, having succumbed to attack, abuse, HIV and other STD's, overdose or suicide
  • Sex trade industry is the second largest global industry raising $32 billion a year, equal to $87 million a day!
  • Sale of child porn in the U.S. alone raises more than a $3 billion annually!

Even the world wide organization Ark of Hope for abused kids and Human-trafficking agrees with our words and shares our articles, supports our work, and recommends us as one of their top people to follow @Goddess300 Alexandria
We belong to Ark of Hope. 

Our articles are quite often updated after they are published, we have a number of authors who contribute to our site. So it is quite often worth coming back every few days. There is always something new to read, and learn from.

Sex Slaves Documentary

This is what Amnesty International wants to legalize, creating more sex slaves, more trafficked children, women. Amnesty has to be stopped. Amnesty have teamed up with pimps-human traffickers the porn industry, they have been corrupted by money. Home-land security and Federal Authorities are now battling to stop them. We have articles on our site, prostitutes do not want the industry legalized they know how disastrous this will be. Read More Here

Diaries of a woman, don't be seduced by the dark side. It is not a romance novel Read Article

Pornography and ED- erectile dysfunction in boys and males, published medical studies  Read Article Here


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