Angels Fallen Angels

Guardians, God's council Custode di Dio, consiglio


Guardians, God's council Custode di Dio, consiglio: Guardians, God's council Custode di Dio, consiglio.  'not even when one shall rise from the dead will they believe...' Luke 16:31 and G...
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David Icke's Real Face. He is a Demon. We have to thank our fellow Christian Brother EyeSpy for this.

Much more on his youtube channel.

We have many more reveals, and many more to come.

World leaders, Presidents, Hillary Clinton, media, actors all exposed. They are DEMONS. Many Picture reveals at this link

Elon Musk's Real Face. He is a DEMON

Joe Biden's Real Face. It is a DEMON

Hillary Clintons' Real Face. It is not human

it is a DEMON.

Barack Obama's Real Face

Kim Kardashian's Real Face / Body. It is not human it is a DEMON, it cant have babies. It has a scrotum.

All of the Kardashians are DEMONS.

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