Canberra Government thieves The real burden to Australia
23:47Guardians-GodAustralia is the Dumping ground for dirty money from Asia 💰💵💸
The LNP Malcolm Turnbull Government are aiding and abetting in fraud, corruption, money laundering. Malcolm Turnbull is sanctioning these crimes. We have carried out our own investigations for over 10 years made many reports to the AFP, ASIO, FBI, to the Wickenby Task Force.
These people are world wide Federal Crimes, crimes which are about to indite Hillary Clinton; and Malcolm Turnbull and key members of the LNP party will be next, as will be Corporations who played their game of corruption.
The worlds eyes have been watching for some time, especially world wide Federal Task forces.
The FBI have already begun arresting key players, it is on their own website.
Anti-corruption experts in the US and Europe have urged Australia to properly resource and empower its anti-bribery regime as Australia emerges as the "dumping ground" for dirty money from Asia. Details HERE
More details of this are further in this article, including naming a Corporation in Australia, who owns a number of business, used for organized crime, offices in Australia and Asia, who is doing this.
The company that bribed the world
It was the company with jet-set style and dirty hands. From the tiny principality of Monaco, Unaoil reached across the globe to pay multi-million dollar bribes in oil rich states. The beneficiaries? Some of the biggest companies in England, Europe, America and Australia. Full Investigative article link HERE. And trust us you are going to want to read these three articles. Blowing open world wide corruption, bribes and cover-ups by our world Governments, including Australia.
Unaoil: How the West bought Iraq Article link HERE
Australia is neck deep in corruption, bribes; all world wide, Federal crimes.
Politicians their hands out taking bribes making themselves filthy rich of bribes.
This is a world wide bribe scandal, crimes that has been fully exposed through length investigations.
We are talking trillions of dollars world wide
UN declares online freedom to be a human right that must be protected.
Please watch this exclusive world documentary
which exposed your entire Governments world wide hijacked by the Illuminati New World order. Three men died getting this evidence out to the world, assassinated by the NWO, which is well detailed in this video.
The real burden to Australia our Rogue corrupt greedy Government. Win news today salaries for some politicians in 2015 went from $62K a year to $500K a year, that is criminal how is this even legal at the expense of the Australian taxpayers, when so many are homeless, living in poverty, because of outright greed, theft and corruption by our Government.
TPP TTIP TISA - A Wolf In Sheeps Clothing Article and Videos. You can not afford not to watch these videos, read this article. This is a global article and videos. We expose the truth on the three TPP's that our Governments and media have hidden from you. This is being shared world wide. Please keep sharing world wide, by not signing, the stop the TPP and sharing the article, you are saying you support corruption on a global scale. Please watch, listen and read, and stop the TPP before it is too late for everyone on our planet. Article link HERE
his own $200 million plus and rising, he has stashed away in off shore accounts, avoiding tax, avoiding the question, how much of your money is from bribes, illegal deals, stolen from Australia??
Laws are further in this article. Australia wake the hell up, we all have rights, there are legal rights for all of us. The Liberal party can not hold office. They absolutely can not. Under the law they have to be removed from office, a legal fact every Australian needs to know.The Senate you work for the Australian people, so do your job and removed them from office.
TPP TTIP TISA - A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing - Global Devistation
Corporations want to control everything.Article Link Here
People need to wake up: Multinationals put Malcolm Turnbull into office, they are the one's who have made him rich. Dirty money, as a former USA President said: "You don't get rich in politics unless you are dirty and corrupt". The multinational corporations are the TPP's, its their TPP, their global domination. Without Malcolm Turnbull and the LNP at the help it is dead in the water. Multinationals = ownership of Malcolm Turnbull and the LNP = ownership of the TPP's.
The 2016 election was a rigged vote, it was brought for by the multinationals for the LNP and Malcolm Turnbull. Vote rigging, racketeering, corruption on a grand scale.
The 2016 Election is illegal under ever law in Australia and has to be vacated immediately. Malcolm Turnbull and the LNP removed from office, and arrested.
Right now documents have been sent to the AEC making election fraud allegations. Under the absolute law the 2016 Election results are invalid. The LNP have to be immediately removed from office. That is absolute law and by not doing so the AEC are ignoring has no regard for rule of law.
Article Link Here
Article Link Here

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Domestic Violence- Child Abuse Terrorism V Government Terrorism The Real Cost Article HERE
In NSW the Liberal Party is corrupt.' Says former Howard government minister, Jackie Kelly. Brought and paid for by Corporations and Lobbyists. Watch the video. You have to watch this video. It also refers to possible election fraud, coercive control of the due process of Elections. We have already contacted the Australian Electoral Commission over this and have asked for a full investigation.
The wheels on the buss go round and round. In Turnbulls and the LNP case, they got bogged in a cesspool of greed and corruption
read the full article here
We have spoken to pensioners. They once had homes now they are gone taken by our Government. They live in extreme poverty. One- two meals a day only. A very limited diet. They can only afford to bath once a week. Wear the same clothes all week because they cant afford to buy new clothes, or the water for washing. Many cant even afford electricity anymore.
They cant afford heating in the winter, cooling in the extreme heat of Australian summers. All of this goes for disability pensioners as well.
This, all of this, then puts extra pressure on medical services, other services, because people get sick when you are forced to live like this. This is what our Government is doing to people who helped build Australia, doing so a millionaire- billionaire, a corrupt politician can have more. The poor are subsidizing the lifestyles of the rich, the million, billionaires and your entire greedy demon Government.
A petition was formed, and signed and will be going to the Senate to stop this welfare raughting by non serving Politicians, just like Bishop, who is ripping off Australia, while an pensioner is struggling to live on $450 a week. Under the law of Australia, and there has never ever been a referendum to change this, we all own 1% of Australia. That is land and mining rights. We should absolutely not have people living in absolute poverty in Australia, that is criminal.
Have you received your mining dividends? NO we haven't. Gina Rinehart has, she lives on $33 million a day. She has stolen your 1% ownership of Australia.
This not only refers to aged pensions this is also disability pensions, all pensions Senator Bernie Sanders 2016 |
Lets stop corps funding politicians campaigns.
The Australian tax payers have made these corrupt politicians millions, they have been ripping off Australians, they have been creating poverty, creating homeless. Australia says enough, now we are taking back our country from you Malcolm Turnbull and your band of corrupt puppets who are living it up on tax payers money.
Australians are forced to pay into the Malcolm Turnbull millionaire retirement fund, while millions of people in Australia live in poverty.
Look who are the welfare bludgers now, you are Malcolm Turnbull.
Domestic Violence victims, survivors get another kick in the guts READ ARTICLE HERE
The ATO has released that you, a pensioner.... paid more tax last year than 600 Major Corporations, who's CEO's company Directors are all Multi-million....billionaires. Just one pensioner, one average working Australian....just one.... pays more tax than 600 companies will ever do in a lifetime.
After economic collapse, here’s how Iceland rebuilt a powerful green economy READ FULL ARTICLE HERE
Australia has the ability to do exactly what Africa and Germany are doing, and we should have done this many years ago, if it was not from greed and corruption. That is what greed and corruption is costing Australia, what it is costing the world.
Degradation of Women a World Wide Disgrace Article
Thank you our graphic design team for this badgeif you want to share and use feel free, our team made this for all who feel the same way. It is a PNG file with a clear transparent background so it can be put into any art can also re-tweet this so everyone can read this article and be informed, 3 million people have read and been informed had their eyes opened.
The Australian Parliament & Legal System Is Invalid! Read laws and article HERE
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The ultimate leaner. Greediest pig of all. LNP love & worship her. Goddess of selfishness who hates the vulnerable.
Gina Rinehart struggles to live on $33 million a day...yes people a day. She is Malcolm Turnbulls tax fraud mate, she pays either no tax or little tax compliments of Malcolm, and her buddy Malcolm gives her what ever the hell she wants, like the trade deal with cheap overseas workers, slaves that she can exploit so she can get richer and sack the Australian workers, making them and their families homeless. This is what Malcolm made happen for his tax fraud buddy Gina. Now the tax office are going after Gina who has been ripping off Australia for years for billions of dollars, no fucking wonder she is the richest person in Australia and hordes her cash....she pays no bloody tax for fuck sake. Imagine how much money we could all save to if we didn't have to pay tax. Our people would rather take those billions and do something about poverty and families being made homeless by the Liberal Government than live like bloody millionaires or billionaires, we have a heart and humanity, not like these greedy bastards who keep ripping off Australia who have no humanity or heart...people like Malcolm Turnbull. Net Worth As of 12/17/15; $9.1 Billion; Remember people Gina Inherited her wealth from her father, she grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth. She has never been hungry, homeless but she is quite happy to make as many people in Australia this way, Ripping off Australians day by day.
Malcolm Has given Gina keys to the kingdom....the kingdom being Australia.
If Labor doesn't join with the Greens and block the enabling TPP legislation, this deal could:
We have to update this article 18.1.2016 Greens to preference the Liberals ahead of the Labor. So they are now basically the left wing of the Liberals? #auspol
This is now all over twitter, confirmed the Greens have sold out to the Liberals.
The #TPP affects every one of us. The problem is, the
deal was negotiated in complete secrecy for 7 years, and when it was
finally released, it numbered almost 6 THOUSAND pages!Luckily, this handy analysis identifies and explains (in only 25 pages) some of the most troubling provisions:
Trudeau won't sign TPP until there's been a full national consultation
The ministers from the twelve countries who negotiated the the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) will sign it in New Zealand on 4 February, a government spokesperson from Chile has confirmed. - Read the full article here
An official who helped draft
the TPP has resigned over bribery and corruption. How on earth can the
TPP go ahead when this has been exposed.
Another article we posted yesterday on google plus, A list of Congressmen in the USA have been found to have been paid bribes to fast track the TPP through congress. Again more corruption, so how can legally the TPP even go ahead when it has been drafted around corruption and being paid bribes. This world wide, including Australia. |
Tell the Turnbull Government: Get Real on economic reform
Net Worth As of 12/17/15; $3.8 Billion
Remember James inherited his wealth from his fatherinherited a $5bn fortune when Kerry Packer died in 2005
London is now the global money-laundering center for the drug trade, says crime expert
Rupert Murdoch demon, demonic parasite, destroying all of humanity, hates the poor,
goes after them every day in its bullshit rags. This demonic piece of
demon garbage should be in hell and prison, as Guardians we are helping Gods army send it there.
net worth of US$12.4 billion, no bloody wonder when he is not paying tax.
- A disregard for laws and social mores
- A disregard for the rights of others
- A failure to feel remorse or guilt
- A tendency to display violent behavior
- Sociopaths tend to be nervous and easily agitated. They are volatile and prone to emotional outbursts, including fits of rage
- Psychopaths, on the other hand, are unable to form emotional attachments or feel real empathy with others, although they often have disarming or even charming personalities. Psychopaths are very manipulative and can easily gain people’s trust. They learn to mimic emotions, despite their inability to actually feel them, and will appear normal to unsuspecting people. Psychopaths are often well educated and hold steady jobs. Some are so good at manipulation and mimicry that they have families and other long-term relationships without those around them ever suspecting their true nature.
- psychopaths make excellent white-collar criminals and "con artists" due to their calm and charismatic natures.