These words are the same words a domestic violence, sexual abuse abuser will also use on their victims. Abusers will slander their victims, use intimidation, gasslighting.
Sibling abusers can go on to be domestic violence or even sexual abuse - abusers in a relationship.
The victim of sibling abuse, suffers a life time of health and psychological problems as that sibling abuse continues through child hood and adult hood. Low self esteem and anxiety.
This is just of one of many comments we get on our social media pages about our website and the articles on domestic violence.
You are all brave Warriors who have endured abuse, all abuse, we can be warriors together; you are never alone. #RiseUp #Warriors lets break the chains together
Rosie Batty works for Turnbull, profiting from abuse, now Turnbull wants to do the same thing. We wrote this in 2015, and now Labor who support us, have confirmed this very thing.
We have nominated one of our own professionals for Australian of the Year 2017, Alexandria. You can read about Alexandria through the article links here
You can read the articles exposing this and exposing Miss Batty here
Or you can go to Alexandria's own website to read more about her and the life of abuse she endured. Diary of a Women
You can also read more about Alexandria's abuse Through this article DON'T BE SEDUCED BY THE DARK SIDE also from her website Article Link
We wanted approached Alexandria last year with our wishes to nominate her for Australian of the year. She declined due to an assault she was still recovering from.
Alexandria was viciously assaulted in her home and suffered serious injuries.
You can also read more about Alexandria at the end of this article and through all the article links on our website.
Now you have the entire picture why Domestic Violence, child abuse, sexual abuse and homelessness is ignored in Australia by the LNP Government and Malcolm Turnbull.
Why he and Tony Abbott ripped the $300 million from the domestic violence budget, closed shelters, took away legal funding, and the same funding was ripped away from mental health, and homeless. His Grand plan is to profit from these crimes, from the suffering of millions of people, the death of children and victims of abuse.
Two weeks ago The Guardian online paper did an article about "Foundations" and "Organizations" and "Individuals" profiting off abuse. We had sent them three article over the last six months, and finally they did a story exposing this.
Absolutely Disgraceful.
Only a monster would do this, and more monsters supporting this disgusting greed.
We have to also add we do not support the Liberal Government, in what they are doing to Australians, the poor, victims of abuse. What they have done, is exposed in the Global article here.
Bernie Sanders who is leading the election race for President of the Untied States, follows our work, congratulated us on our work, and articles on social media. Shares our articles, so do the other political parties in Australia, but not the Liberal Party, because we expose them, we go after them.. read more also in this article Liberal party kicking victims of abuse in the guts
You will never hear Miss Batty going after the Liberal party because they are the hand that feeds her, she works for Malcolm Turnbull.
We told MSM to bugger off, we don't work for Murdoch, Turnbull and their bullshit ABC now owned by Murdoch, don't tell us what we can write, we don't write bullshit like you do. We write how it is, the realities of domestic violence sexual abuse, we specialize in it, we are the ones with the degrees. Unf***king believable. All because we have exposed Rossie Batty for stealing our articles and words and claiming them as hers. For not knowing what she is talking about, for misleading people about abuse, for working for Turnbull, for a bunch of elitists.
When we speak including Internationally we expose miss Batty for Miss-leading people about abuse, for stealing our work and for being paid by Malcolm Turnbull. We also sent this article to Mark Latham.
If you are on social media and you are confronted by a Troll, don't converse with them just block them. They want you to converse so they can abuse you even more, they feed of the attention, hurting others. Trolls will also try to discredit your words, you as a person. They love targeting women, but they will go after men as well. Trolls can be men and women.
If you are a victim of abuse, sexual violence, PTSD, rape, trafficking, you are not allowed to talk about this, come forward, that has been made perfectly clear by the victims who have, from testimonies at the RC into child abuse, domestic violence. And we need to remember there are thousands of victims who have never come forward because of fear, fear from persecution, fear of being threatened, shamed. Many victims of abuse knowledge they have been abused, but when it comes to talking about their abuse, they brings the pain and memories back for them they endured, that they have locked away, that pain and memories that has destroyed their lives
Hell our own people are threatened and abused because we dare expose the truth, we dare talk about these crimes.
Yes people Domestic Violence, sexual abuse, rape, human-trafficking, pedophiles-child pornography are crimes, but you certainly wouldn't know it in Australia and world wide.
When a 6 yr old little girl in Queensland is raped and her rapists walks free with a slap on the wrist then you know the justice system is completely broken and corrupted. Don't see Malcolm Turnbull or any member of parliament in the media fighting for justice for a 6 yr old child who has just had her life destroyed by a violent crime. READ HERE
'the legal system is infested with paedophiles and paedophile enablers''Senator Bill Heffernan 27/2/16.
The hardest thing any victim of domestic violence can do is leave, leave and never go back.
Domestic Violence victims, survivors get another kick in the guts article here
We want to share with our readers who come from all over the world, another story from a victim of domestic violence, PTSD, Psychological abuse, financial abuse along with her children. Julie a journalist lives in the USA and contacted us through our advocacy work with abuse, through an article we had posted from our site, which went global and viral. Here is Julie's letter addressing the injustices with abuse and the broken corrupted court system. READ HERE
We are preparing an article about the broken corrupted court system world wide, this article only touches on this world wide issue and injustice, in the Family Court and Criminal court.We have added the new Family Court domestic violence bill further in this article, and its not good news. New Family Court Article Here The Family Court are playing "GOD" with children and families lives. They are the Judge - Jury and Executioner of families world wide. You are not going to want t miss this article and the new studies into the Family Court.
HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS Family Court Breaches fair trial, arbitrary detention minors, violence against women and children. Family Court are taking away children from a non violent parent and giving custody to the actual abuser, the violent parent. Breaking law after law in doing so. Abuse of Power. The Family Court has to be stopped.Our people attend symposiums on Domestic violence, we belong to world wide organizations against violence, abuse, domestic violence, pornography, human-trafficking.
Anxiety from abuse, trauma The memories, the psychological abuse lasts a life time.
Anxiety, PTSD, anorexia, cutting, OCD, high bloody pressure, binge eating, heart attache, health problems, even cardiomyopathy which is a heart condition; from anxiety from being a victim of abuse. This sums up perfectly the symptoms, the effects of anxiety, we wanted to share this with any one who is suffering from anxiety. You are not alone and do not let anyone shame you for having anxiety. Anxiety can happen to adults and children even the family pet. Please seek medical attention from your doctor, if you are suffering from anxiety. Please read the article and new medical findings on PTSD and Anxiety Here
#Abuse is Abuse, there is No And or But or In-between
Domestic Violence & Child Abuse — leaves Invisible Scars
Abuse, Domestic Violence, sexual abuse, rape, child abuse, teen abuse, sibling abuse, human-trafficking is about control, control over another individual. All of these injustices all have one thing in common "CONTROL"
They are all done to women, children and men, all races, all sexes.
The bill reflects many of our top priorities, and we’re particularly proud that our ongoing advocacy can be seen in some tremendous gains. The new budget package will:
Increase funding for the Violence Against Women Act and related programs.
While we know this still remains insufficient to meet the need of all survivors and those who help them, we are taking a moment to recognize much success and progress. And mostly we’d like to thank you and our elected officials who have helped heal those hurt by violence and create a future without violence here at home and around the world. Read More Here
that introduces sentences of up to 14 years for people who groom children for sexual purposes.
Child Grooming Bill. We need to have this same bill right here in Australia and everywhere around the world...this has to be done. Child abuse, sexual abuse has been covered up far too long.
A person who uses any means to communication to entice a child to act in a way that “would constitute sexual exploitation of the child” could face up to 14 years in jail.
“It will also be a separate offence to send a child sexually explicit material by means of information and communications technology. Familiarising a child with such material is a classic grooming technique which seeks to desensitise a child to sexual activity.”
Speaking about the Sexual Offences Bill, which will cover other aspects of sexual grooming, he said:
A person who, for the purpose of corrupting or depraving a child, causes that child to witness or watch sexual activity or view sexually-explicit material will commit an offence. It will also be an offence for a person, for their own sexual gratification, to cause a child to witness or watch sexual activity.
This Bill sends a very strong message to Child sexual abusers. This is just a small amount from the new Bill we have posted on our website last year. You can read more through this link HERE
Australia is still living in the stone age, our laws are antiquated.
This is Scott Morrison's answer to Domestic Violence, abuse and unemployment, he really has no clue does he. The abuse by churches is rife, all churches, and in Government, through the courts and especially the Family Court.
The ignorance of this buffoon is evident every single day. I am catholic so was my husband the abuser; and it didn't stop him from beating the hell out of me and killing our child.
Abuse does not discriminate, it effect all religions, all sexes, all genders, all social statues.
So what Scott are victims meant to be on their knees saying a prayer "please don't smack the shit out of my face, or hurt me or the children again. AMEN". Scott Morrison you are a complete moron for saying those words.
There are no published medical studies who support this utter idiot for saying those words. The same as there are no published medical studies who support the ramblings of Rosie Batty or Malcolm Turnbull. We have links to published medical studies, medical symposium videos and they do not support any of these uneducated views of these people, who miss-inform the world about abuse and domestic violence, sexual abuse.
I also grew up with a very abusive mother. She is now in her seventies and still abusive. I grew up scared, fearful of my own mother because of how abusive she was and still is.
My two brothers became abusive; sibling abuse, then abusive also as adults to their partners.
My father was passive not abusive, too scared to stand up to my mother. He checked out of our lives when we were younger because of the abuse by my mother, she was also abusive to him. I grew up in a middle class family, Catholic. And prayer certainly does not stop abuse, or sexual abuse.
My mother remarried and was abusive to her second husband and us children, the abuse never stopped.
My mother also turned a blind eye to sexual abuse, abuse. She simply didn't care enough to do anything. My mother a complete narcissist and sociopath, and still is to this very day.
This is the story of millions of women, men and children world wide.
Abusers, sexual abusers can also be elderly people and they can also have abuse happen to them by another elderly person, or by a younger person. There is no used by date for abuse.
Elderly people who might have endured abuse by their own partners have done so in many cases until they die. Their generation did not speak up about abuse and sexual abuse, it was swept under the rug. What has changed in the 21st century very little. It is still the same and it will remain this way because laws have to change to support victims. Justice has to support victims. Governments have to support victims. Society has to support victims. In our speaking we say this very thing, world wide.
We belong to Ark of Hope.
National women's anti-violence group loses funding, could close
This is what our Government in Australia are doing to domestic violence. They don't care. The Australian Government would rather help criminals, millionaire-billionaires, corrupt politicians commit fraud...billions and trillions of tax fraud, help hide over 10 trillion dollars in off shore accounts than help victims, survivors of domestic violence, sexual abuse, abuse. READ HERE
Domestic Violence victims, survivors get another kick in the guts read here
Enough of shaming victims of Domestic Violence, sexual abuse, abuse, many women, and even some men, too frightened to speak out, to leave, so they live in silence with Domestic Violence, abuse, sexual abuse. (people say OH well its their fault because they didn't leave) No one knows what a victim of Domestic Violence, abuse, sexual abuse really goes through until you have lived it yourself.
Many victims cant leave fore many reasons, two of the biggest fear, and financial abuse.
They simply have no means to leave, and have been threatened, or the abuser threatens the children. (read comments at the end of this article)
Domestic Violence does not have to be physical
it is also mental, Psychological, financial.
Psychological abuse can even be much worse in many cases of Domestic Violence. The abuse lasts a life time.
The Greater the power the greater the abuse.
That not only refers to the abuser who might be a corporate business person, but also refers to the police and the courts. We see this sort of abuse every single day.
There is simply no justice for victims of Domestic violence until they are killed, or their children are killed, and then, some times not even then.
The justice system is so broken and so corrupted victims can not get justice. Many victims don't even follow through with the final orders for a VRO because of fear, threats, intimidation from their abuser. And the police and the courts and Government will do nothing to help the victims and their children.
Victims of domestic violence, abuse, sexual abuse, are threatened into silence. They are slandered, intimidation, verbal, physical threats, defamation, some times on a daily basis. This is not only done by the abuser, but the courts, the police, even Government, Lawyers who represent abusers. The victims are constantly abused. The court ignores the laws there to protect victims, the police and the Government also ignore these laws.
Ignore, have no regard for Rule of law. There is simply no justice for victims.
Victims are fighting for justice against a system run and controlled by men, laws made by men.....misogynistic, condescending, egotistical men in many cases.
They are like the victims abuser, who like to have full control, and do not truly see or hear victims of abuse because of all of this.
When a victim leaves an abusive relationship they leave everything behind, they have no choice. They could have worked their entire life outside of the home, or even worked as the homemaker inside the home, still a job, that you do not get paid to do.
When you try to go to court to get your assets that legally belong to you also, the court ignores the laws.
Where are women, victims, who have escaped a life of violence meant to get the money for lawyers from? They have nothing.
Victims are telling us this very thing, i was one of those women, lost everything i worked for my entire life.
My home i worked for, my clothes, my children also lost everything.
Women, victims, loose hundreds of thousands in asset's, to millions in asset's, this is their future, their security to start a new life, now it is gone taken away from them. More abuse, by their abuser by the courts.
So once again they are abused by a broken justice system, once again run by men.
Gaslighting victims
Gaslighting is an extremely dangerous form of emotional abuse.
Gaslighting is an insidious form of abuse.
GasLighting Definition and examples
We see gaslighting not only used by the abuser on their victims, but by police, and the courts to victims of abuse, sexual abuse, domestic victims, breaking the law, breaking Human Rights Laws. We have video's court transcripts of this happening over and over
One of the most common words used in gasslighting victims of abuse is "they are mental in the head"
Our professional team made up of Psychologist PhD, Doctors, Sociologists, Lawyers, survivors of Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, Sexual Abuse, specializing in Domestic Violence, some of our people also speakers, and international speakers....we have been leading the way for over a decade to make our Government in Australia, world wide to do something about Domestic Violence, to change laws, to take this violation this injustice to Women and children, men, all victims, take seriously.
Abusers are incredible liars and manipulators and will take out revenge on Domestic Violence or sexual abuse victims their children, when the victim speaks out or tries to leave.
Hurting the children is done for control over their victim, to abuse them even more, it is also about revenge.
They prey on the weak (vulnerable), physically, emotionally, take away all support. Control their victims to get that charge they crave.
- A disregard for laws and social mores
- A disregard for the rights of others
- A failure to feel remorse or guilt
- A tendency to display violent behavior
- Sociopaths tend to be nervous and easily agitated. They are volatile and prone to emotional outbursts, including fits of rage
- Psychopaths, on the other hand, are unable to form emotional attachments or feel real empathy with others, although they often have disarming or even charming personalities. Psychopaths are very manipulative and can easily gain people’s trust. They learn to mimic emotions, despite their inability to actually feel them, and will appear normal to unsuspecting people. Psychopaths are often well educated and hold steady jobs. Some are so good at manipulation and mimicry that they have families and other long-term relationships without those around them ever suspecting their true nature.
- psychopaths make excellent white-collar criminals and "con artists" due to their calm and charismatic natures.
The Spellbinding Bond to Narcissists and Psychopaths – Neurobiological and Psychological Contributors Dr. Rhonda Freeman a clinical neuropsychologist practicing within a neurology group.
She is the creator and author of In her spare time, she volunteers for a non-profit organization dedicated to psychopathy awareness and support for trauma survivors.
Dr. Freeman also writes for Psychology Today and Aftermath - Surviving Psychopathy.
In private practice, she sees a varied group of individuals with brain disorders that impact cognition, psychological status, and behavior. Please read the article through this link HERE
An emotional short video created by Care Norway is raising awareness about abuse, rape and sexual violence against girls and women by urging fathers to take a stand. The words in this video say it all. This video is shared around the world and used in schools, in Government offices. But not in Australia, WHY? It is the best video we have ever seen to show awareness to children about abuse and rape.
The Band Perry - If I Die Young (Domestic Violence Awareness Music Video) The words and pictures, ring true for every victims of domestic violence, abuse sexual abuse, rape, sexual violence. Please take the time to watch.
Read the Full report from the United Nations Here
Human Rights Law... Both Rights and Obligations Human rights entail both rights and obligations. States assume obligations and duties under international law to respect, to protect and to fulfill human rights.
I was a victim, still a victim...i lost everything, left to live on the streets with my children, i had to flee to save our lives.
I lost millions of dollars in assets, we had a few suit cases of clothes that was it. Had to rely on charity for my children and myself, and one of my children had and still has a life threatening illness and we had to flee, otherwise we were dead.
Not once was i or any other victims, survivors, thousands of victims in Australia offered $75K or one single cent, and we have, and still are going through bloody hell and back. We went through terrorism, domestic violence terrorism.
We demand compensation, every single victims, survivor demands justice compensation for the absolute hell, the violence we all went through, still going through. READ ARTICLE HERE





The police closed the case despite the injuries to the victim citing not enough evidence of domestic violence or assault.....Are you fu-----king kidding.
The pictures that should outrage EVERY Australian man: Woman, 19, accuses her boyfriend of beating her face to a pulp and posts photos showing the horror of our domestic violence epidemic
Teen suffered facial injuries after alleged domestic violence incident.
The victim says she was punched twice in the face by her boyfriend
An argument is believed to have begun after they tried to resolve issues
The victim woke up her roommate with a bloody face after the incident
Her roommate took a photo of her injuries and shared it on Facebook
The boyfriend even sent text messages after the assault telling her not to report him because he would loose everything. READ MORE THROUGH ARTICLE LINK
- Porn use decreases brain matter in areas of decision-making and motivation.
- Porn use increases rates of sexual aggression and violence
- Porn use is linked to increasing cases of sexual dysfunction
Hundreds of published medical findings studies has definitively found pornography is contributing, teaching domestic violence, sexual abuse, rape, disrespect to women and girls.
This Moving Norwegian Video about, abuse, Sexual Violence and Rape has Gone Viral. This video is used world wide by medical professionals, leading advocate organizations, Governments around the world. We have this video in our other articles on abuse on our website.
The message in this video is powerful, its a pity the LNP Government in Australia hasn't used it instead of wasting another $30 million of tax payers money on another one of their dud videos. That $30 million could have gone to actual victims of abuse, sexual violence and child abuse, instead of pissing another $30 million down the drain. READ ARTICLE HERE
An emotional short video created by Care Norway is raising awareness about rape, abuse and sexual violence against women by urging fathers to take a stand. The words in this video say it all. This video highlights how a culture that accepts objectification and degradation as “normal” can actually foster a culture of sexual violence and abuse. Men have a unique opportunity to rise against this phenomenon and to refuse to condone, or participate in, maltreating another individual.
Let's make this happen if you give a Dam, and care about Domestic violence, Sexual Violence, PTSD and abuse then please sign and share Michelle Obama has signed, The Billion Women against violence has signed so have many other end violence organizations. We would love to make this happen to coincide with the The Orange The World Day against violence in 2016
We asked Rossie Batty to sign our very important world wide petition she ignore our requests, then weeks latter she goes and copies our petition. Victims of Domestic Violence have reached out to Rossie Batty for help, she has ignored them. Those victims have contacted us, we have seen their comments on social media. We help victims of Domestic Violence, we don't ignore them.
All of our articles are complied by a team of people, we have professionals and advocates from all over Australia and the world; men and women, and we also belong to world wide organizations, and work with Federal Authorities world wide, exposing crimes of abuse, violence and corruption.
We have a very generous graphics design team who donate their time and services for free for all of our beautiful posters.
Last year we were nominated for a Humanitarian Award.
This year one of our own Alexandria has been nominated for an Australian of the year award 2017.

The best article on domestic violence I have read yet. You and your people are true advocates, true pioneers. Please keep up the incredible work you do, you are the people we need in our world.
ReplyDeleteEvery word about no justice a broken justice system so true, and the victims not being seen or heard by it.
I read the comments online you talked about here with Rosie Batty, they were not good, never read one single positive one and there were thousands. All the comments also the same, how the hell did she get Australian of the year because she was not deserving of it, there are thousands of other people who should have before her, hell you should have Alexandria, way before she did. You have been through 18 years of violence, and lost a child, advocate for over 10 years and you specialize in domestic violence. If that is not deserving then I am bewildered, to what on earth you have to do to be. And Rosie Batty was no way worthy, thousands of peiople also saying the same thing, they are still saying the same thing a year later.
Rosie Batty is in it for the glory, the attention for all the wrong reasons, she is profiting from domestic violence, and she doesn't know what she is talking about that was make clear by her words I have seen in media and on the TV.
I saw the words she stole from your article here, so did my wife and she is a doctor, your words the only words that did make sense and then she stole them anyway.
My wife read this article when you first posted it, then Rosie batty was on TV just weeks ago pinching your words from your story and made them as her own.
Rosie Batty did say in the media she was against the registry we saw it on the news, so really she is a complete hypercritic when it comes to domestic violence, clearly showing once again she doesn't know what she is talking about, she is trying to buy her way in using a publicist fo politics wait for it.
She has a publicists.
My wife and I ignore what she has to say, because she talks out her ass most of the time.
With the piece on Hitting Home, the two part documentary on domestic violence by the ABC, my wife and I watch it. My wife being a doctor who treats victim's, she said that is not what happens just like you have written in this article.
Victims she said are never examined by a forensic doctor or Psychologist, they are like you said abused by the police and the courts as well.
We really hope you finally get justice for the shocking ordeal you and your children have been through with no justice.
You are a true pioneer with domestic violence, a true hero and a true Australian of the year and should no doubt be given that award hands down.
Blessings to you and your family and all of your advocates who make the world a better place through the work you do. MERRY CHRISTMAS
Thank you so much Nathan for your words. You are not the first one to say those words. They are very much appreciated. We were nominated for a Humanitarian award which was very humbling and we were all very honored.
DeleteWe work so hard with all the work we do, non profit and use our own money. It is always the people who work behind the media attention who do the hard work as advocates then it is people like Rosie Batty who come from no where and try and take credit for the decades of hard work, blood sweat and tears we do. The death threats we endure with our work.
Lisa Wilkinson spoke on behalf of us with domestic violence, Rosie batty does not speak for us or Australia as it would seem by the Australian peoples comments as well.
We have tried numerous times to contact Rosie Batty but she has ignored all of our requests, even on social media, incredible.
We work with global organizations on domestic violence, child abuse, human trafficking and i have been speaking on USA radio shows, who have seen the work we do not only in Australia but globally.
As for justice for the domestic violence and the death of my little girl, i have never given up hope of justice, it has been a very hard fight to get any. Lets hope 2016 is the year through the Attorney Generals office in the state i now live in.
I would be in the media in Australia full force if i did not have to hide until i get justice, because of who my ex husband is. I was beaten up only 16 months ago, so not taking any more risks now until i get justice, but still very active with our other advocates in shinning the light on the injustice of domestic violence, child abuse, human trafficking.
At least the Australian Government have been listening to our professionals and have implemented recommendations we put to them, but there is still a long way to go to combat all of these injustices.
We love hearing the positive feedback on our articles, acknowledging the work we do, over 3 million people have read and shared this article which is fantastic.
Our own newspaper articles also shared all over the world as is our site.
We all work so hard and have an incredible graphic design team who do our art work.
Have a wonderful and safe Christmas and New Year also ђคשє ค שєгץ ๓єггץ ςђгเรՇ๓คร •*¨`*•..¸
Thank you for your article Alexandria, this is exactly what happens. Fantastic article.
ReplyDeleteI am a victim of domestic violence still, have been as well for over ten years.
I received zero justice also from the police and the courts, my children and also lost every single thing.
We were also left with nothing. All our possessions, home, car gone as well. Every single thing i had worked for, for over 35 years gone.
All the things my Grandparents gave me, family air-looms that can never be replaced gone, stolen by my husband.
He stole everything from us, even the children's toys.
My children and i were abused over and over by my husband my daughters father.
My abuser is a corporate business man, Paul Douglas Crane CEO and director of V&V Walsh PTY LTD and other companies.
You mention the company here in this article on your site, one of those Corps commiting tax fraud, on the taxations list of companies, multimillionaires.
Every word true, every word supported by legal documents, every word supported by the Australian Federal Police.
We went though the worst hell i could ever imagine.Constant death threats, attacks, our home and car vandalized.
My two daughters threatened, my family threatened.
He then used a prostitute from Tønsberg Norway, her name is Christin Svard, illegally living in Australia.
He used her to steal my identity, this is now in the hands of the Australian Federal police.
He walked into a bank with her and then opened up bank cards in my name, which was filmed by the bank. Identity fraud.
Then he used her to sign my name on bank documents and legal documents, signing assets that were in my name over to him.
Every single thing i worked for before i even met my husband stolen from me.
And i didn't even live in Western Australia anymore.
The head of the Corruption and Crimes Commission at the time Malcolm Mskusker QC was incredible, personally going to bat for me after seeing what was being done to myself and my daughters. We went to parliament house to meet with him, and the investigations began into the fraud and corruption by the police, the courts, my husband and his business associates.
I am giving evidence to the Australian Federal police to the corruption within the company, because it is rife, and to the abuse my children and i went through and are still going through.
My husband Paul Crane and his business partners threatened not only myself but my 2 young daughter, they did everything to intimidate us to try and silence us.
My husband even put a hit out on my life.
I no longer live in Western Australia, i had to leave, like so man other women and your article. If i stayed there i was dead.
These men will stop at nothing to protect their secrets, which included sexual abuse of children, domestic violence,murder, tens of millions of dollars in tax fraud, money laundering, including laundering money for terrorists. This is just the tip of the iceberg to their corruption, fraud and criminal activities.
What victims of Domestic Violence and sexual abuse go through and children go through, is the worst violence, psychological, financial, violence imaginable.
And you get no help from the justice system and you certainly don't get any help from the Government.
Every single word in this article i agree with 100% and then some.
Like you say, there is no justice and not even when you are killed or your children are killed.
Thank you Alexandria and to all your people for your dedicated hard work, in all your do, and giving me a voice, all domestic violence victims, children a voice.
Thank you for being so brave and speaking out. This injustice, your own injustice as a victim of domestic violence has to end. Our Government have to start to act instead of spurting out words and in reality doing nothing.
DeleteWe will support you in your quest for justice. Like our people say, doing nothing is simply not an option.
What you have gone through is a total miscarriage of justice, more abuse from a broken justice system like we have written about.
Thank you very much for your article, this is exactly how it is. I went through many years of domestic violence so did my children.
ReplyDeleteI stayed because i was threatened, he would use the children against me. My husband controlled everything, including the money. I worked part time but my money went into a joint bank account like most married people have.
I am now 45 and i have worked since i was 13 years old, studied as well, and when i left i had nothing, we just had a bag of clothes, we didn't even have a car because my husband put it in his name when we brought it.
It has been five years since i took the children and we left, and since then we have endured five years of hell.
The abuse hasn't stopped, death threats, stalking and the police and the courts wont do a bloody thing.
It wears you down, it wears the children down because they are going through it as well.
Every time i used to see Rossie Batty in the media i just wanted to give her a piece of my mind. She has no clue how it really is, none. She says the most stupid things in the media and i am sure most of it is to get sympathy. How much is she paid to spurt crap about domestic violence, when she really doesn't have a clue. She is now silent in the media, thank god. I know a lot of other women who feel the exact same way as me when it comes to Rossie Batty.
When i read your articles on domestic violence,and even the ones about corruption, i connect with you, your advocates and your words, because that is me, my children, that is what happens. That is honest and true, your voice is what we go through, what i went through, still going through with my children.
We are battered emotionally, financially, psychologically every single day.
MSM on twitter look at defaming anyone who speaks the truth. They try to silence them. Now the ABC has been taken over by Turnbull and Murdoch and they don't want anyone, especially professionals who specialize in something to speak out, to inform people. They do it with economist as well, anyone who exposes corruption in Government.
ReplyDeleteThey have been doing it to Bill Shorten for years, and especially now.
That's why they now have Batty, she is their new puppet, to say and do what they want. Doing harm, not good.
Australian's, and any person who has a degree in medicine or sociology, Psychologist, Psychiatrists knows she is out of her depth. She would be swallowed up, and spat out if she was in a real forum with world professionals.
The Liberal party, MSM, Murdoch send in their paid trolls, they send them to all media.
Don't let MSM tell you what to do, tell them to fuck off.
Your advocates are the ones making the impact in Australia and world wide with domestic violence, you speak out against Government. You tell it how it should be.
And Governments and the likes of Batty are threatened by this.
By her having to stalk your people, your website and then steal from you, and say in the media those words are hers, not giving credit to where they actually come from, shows how much out of her depth she is, how she doesn't know what she is talking about.
I see what is going on with comments left by people, disgusted with Murdoch, Turnbull and Batty. She is not supported in Australia, she did not deserve an award, a sentiment shared by most of Australia.
You only have to take a look at half of the line up that is there this year. Its rigged.
Your advocates were nominated for a Humanitarian award, that award more prestigious than a now meaningless award of Australian of the year, which has meant nothing for years, not since Dr Chang and Dr Fred Hollows, they are what an Australian of the year epitomises.
Politics has now taken over the awards, has done for years now.
Keep up the great work, you should all be so proud of yourself, you are helping a lot of people around the world and in Australia. Great sight, graphics and articles.
Keep kicking ass.
MSM on twitter look at defaming anyone who speaks the truth. They try to silence them. Now the ABC has been taken over by Turnbull and Murdoch and they don't want anyone, especially professionals who specialize in something to speak out, to inform people. They do it with economist as well, anyone who exposes corruption in Government.
ReplyDeleteThey have been doing it to Bill Shorten for years, and especially now.
That's why they now have Batty, she is their new puppet, to say and do what they want. Doing harm, not good.
Australian's, and any person who has a degree in medicine or sociology, Psychologist, Psychiatrists knows she is out of her depth. She would be swallowed up, and spat out if she was in a real forum with world professionals.
The Liberal party, MSM, Murdoch send in their paid trolls, they send them to all media.
Don't let MSM tell you what to do, tell them to fuck off.
Your advocates are the ones making the impact in Australia and world wide with domestic violence, you speak out against Government. You tell it how it should be.
And Governments and the likes of Batty are threatened by this.
By her having to stalk your people, your website and then steal from you, and say in the media those words are hers, not giving credit to where they actually come from, shows how much out of her depth she is, how she doesn't know what she is talking about.
I see what is going on with comments left by people, disgusted with Murdoch, Turnbull and Batty. She is not supported in Australia, she did not deserve an award, a sentiment shared by most of Australia.
You only have to take a look at half of the line up that is there this year. Its rigged.
Your advocates were nominated for a Humanitarian award, that award more prestigious than a now meaningless award of Australian of the year, which has meant nothing for years, not since Dr Chang and Dr Fred Hollows, they are what an Australian of the year epitomises.
Politics has now taken over the awards, has done for years now.
Keep up the great work, you should all be so proud of yourself, you are helping a lot of people around the world and in Australia. Great sight, graphics and articles.
Keep kicking ass.
The Liberal Government wont support anyone who challenges them. They only support their puppet team. And look where that has led them. Failed the United Nations full report.
ReplyDeleteThey only employ people they can control, tell what to write, what to do.
That do not want the world and Australia to be informed to the real issues going on.
Why do you think they have signed about that women Rosie Batty, they can control what she says, because she is a puppet. I see it with my job and my wife is a doctor. Rosie Batty has done nada for domestic violence. Medical people don't listen to her because they know she talks out her ass.
Why do you think the media wont support medical people in the media like yourselves who are the biggest advocates, activists in Australia for abuse and domestic violence. Because you tell it how it really is. The real issues with domestic violence.
You go up against the Liberal party. Rosie Batty will never do that, because they are paying her, to talk out her ass.
I know many journalists and they refuse to cover her, because they like you know she is causing a subdivision between men and women; so is in fact like you said inciting more abuse.
If you had to do an investigation into who is supporting her campaign to spurt shit in the media, its Malcolm Turnbull.
Rosie Batty has teamed up with Malcolm Turnbull to abuse victims. Its that simple.
About time her bullshit foundation was investigated. Only there for her own financial gain, political gain and nothing more.
I agree with every one you have said in the article, so does my wife, so do many people I know who support your work, your campaign.
Its a pity mainstream media in Australia don't get on board.
Pretty dam sad really, its shows that they are not on board with trying to also stop abuse.
When you have medical people who specialize in abuse, sexual violence, porn have conclusively said Fifty Shades of Grey promotes domestic violence, sexual abuse, rape. And not single media outlet would report them medical study, expose Fifty Shades of Grey.
When there are published papers from medical studies how porn is a cause of domestic violence, sexual abuse. Yet the media in Australia will not get on board and report this.
Cosmopolitan on a monthly basis promotes sexual violence to teens to adults. This is what main stream media does. They sell violence, abuse. They have to made accountable for their part in contributing to abuse in homes.
Rosie Batty spoke in Millicent SA last night at the Library i was there, she was in Mount Gambier Thursday. She was definitely on the campaign trail for Malcolm Turnbull. The turn out was dismal, know why. She said last night, direct quote "Domestic Violence is only committed by men" this shocked the few in the room by her words, because we know its not.
ReplyDeleteShe talked about herself, not knowing about domestic violence because she is not a professional and she was pumping up Malcolm Turnbull, singing his praises; bullshit bullshit. She told the local media no pictures when they went to take them. Was not interested in answering questions. I asked Rosie Batty something on her website then twitter, she completely ignored me. She was only interested in selling her book and selling Malcolm Turnbull to the country people. What you have said in this article is correct, saw it for myself last night. There is no way on Gods earth she should have been given Australian of the Year. I am a victim of domestic violence and Rosie Batty was not interested in answering my questions. YEP she has no clue what she is talking about, that was made clear last night. Malcolm Turnbull or Tony Abbott never gave me one single dime to rebuild the lives of my children and me, and were were left with nothing, i have been a victim for 10 years, so have my children. I agree with your words, when you are a victim of domestic violence you don't go out and start a foundation and quickly write a book to financially gain from it. Maybe her foundation needs investigating, look what Shane Warn was doing with his foundation, living it up on donations. She is politically motivated that was made clear, she works for Turnbull saw it last night. She never once mentioned how good the labor party or the Greens party might be, she only sung the praises of Malcolm Turnbull. If you had been in the room and seen the looks on peoples faces, they were shocked, and horrified by her actions and words. Malcolm Turnbull is the biggest problem along with the Liberal party in Australia right now and Rosie Batty is supporting his actions. Sorry don't support Malcolm Turnbull or the Liberal party or Rosie Batty. So did Rosie Batty give that $500,000 to the domestic violence shelters Australia wide so they could stay open and help victims. I think not. But i would definitely like to know. Her social media pages are full of feminists woman sucking up her ass. I heard what Mark Latham said on radio; good on you Mark, he spoke the truth and got abused by those feminists who support Rosie Batty. I am no feminist and i dont support Rosie Batty but i did agree with Mark Latham and your articles. They are spot on. Keep up the great work. Would love for your people to come to the country and speak about abuse, because you are the only ones getting it right. Regards Emily.
Thank you so much Emily for your insight and telling us about the night. We really appreciate all your words and support. And yes we will be coming your way very soon to speak about abuse, sexual violence and much more, we have been asked by groups to come and speak, especially after they have read our articles and see the work we have been doing.
DeleteJust wanted to add to my comment. I went with other friends to the talk at the Millicent Library, not one person was impressed. Today i had lunch with some friends and we discussed Rosie Batty,a couple saw her in Mount Gambier which is about 50K from Millicent and our nearest city. None of those women had one good word to say about her. In fact every was disgusted in her. Said what so many people are saying, she exploited her sons death for her own financial and political gain.
DeleteWho paid for her foundation to be set up, all the legal fees and accountants fees.
Her website to be designed and maintained.
Who pays for her manager and publicists, her minders.
Who pays for her business class flights. She is as bad as the politicians ripping off tax payers, getting us to pay for her lifestyle.
She said point blank "that she didn't know much about domestic violence and abuse because she is not a professional". Well she made that perfectly clear because by her words, she had no clue what she was talking about.
She also said again, and she said the same thing in Mount Gambier " that domestic violence is only committed by men" When the world knows its not. So she is misleading people by what she is saying.
She was on the campaign trail for Malcolm Turnbull.
The local paper comes out twice a week and Thursday's paper no one single mention of Rosie Batty speaking or even being in Millicent. That is how bad she was. How up her self she was. Regards Emily
Thank Emily for the extra comment and letting is know this. We have had other people contact us through social media saying the same thing. A lot of people on social media are asking the questions you are asking also about the foundation.
DeleteThe Guardian online newspaper has writers that follow us, picked up this article and the comments. Not the first newspaper to do so.
So much media is controlled by Turnbull the Liberal party through Murdoch, they don't want people to know the truth about a lot of things.
And you are definitely not allowed to expose Rosie Batty. God for bid anyone should be allowed to have a brain and speak up.
Tonight on twitter we had dozens of trolls coming to our social media page and abusing us for posting this article and the comment by Emily who lives in Millicent SA who attended the speaking of Rosie Batty there last night. Abusing us for letting people have their say on our website, who are also victims of abuse.
ReplyDeleteWe began to block them.
Apparently we are not allowed to write about this, talk about her supporting Malcolm Turnbull, directly quoting from her talk or from what she has said in the media, something she is already quoted in the media saying many many times. But we are not allowed to write about this. We are not allowed to quote Malcolm Turnbull saying in the media about giving Rosie Batty $500,000. No we are not allowed to say this, even though he did.
We are not at all allowed to write about abuse, post articles from news media supporting our words, a direct link to the United Nations report, criticizing Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott on their terrible failings supporting victims of abuse, sexual abuse, disability, gays. We are not allowed to write about this-how dare we.
How dare we write about what abuse victims go through, how they are treated like disposable garbage by Government and the justice system, we are not allowed to expose this.
How dare we: Liberal party trolls came to our pages, to our site, then back to our social media and abused us.
So in other words they are the abusers, inciting abuse, by stalking us and then abusing us.
My hands are clapping very loud right now at this article on Domestic Violence as well as the other article links I read. You are the first people to get it right.
ReplyDeleteI have run Domestic Violence shelters for 15 plus years.
I have seen thousands of women in that time as well.
Our shelter closed last year because of the Abbott and Turnbull Government.
I have heard Miss Batty speak so have other people I know and domestic violence victims I see every day. None of us support her or were impressed by her.
What you have said in this article about Miss Batty is 100% correct.
She does not have a dam clue what she is talking about. She is causing so many problems right now and people are furious at her.
She does work for Malcolm Turnbull and yes she is getting paid a great deal of money to preach his bullshit.
Malcolm Turnbull does not want to help victims, he does not want victims to even speak up. He cut almost all funding because he wants to keep women, scared to leave abusive relationships.
Rosie's Batty needs to shut the hell up.
She has used her son to make money off his death. She is personally financially gaining from his death.
I take in battered women and their children to my own home because they now have no where else to go. I use my husband and my own money to do this.
Rosie Batty does not have a clue about the real issues of abuse.
Yes men, children, teens are victims of domestic violence.
A lot of the women I talk to might have been abused by men but they have also been terribly abused by their own mothers. Abuse that should have seen those women go to jail.
Like you have said in your article, these women become conditioned to abuse.
I congratulate you on your tireless, selfless work and articles that expose the truths of domestic violence.
Your own people have gone through this abuse, you know exactly how it is.
One thing Malcolm Turnbull does not want is professional medial people exposing the truths of abuse. People such as your own advocates, such as myself and others like me.
He has like you have worded his puppet Rosie Batty spreading miss-information about abuse. She was no more worthy as being made Australian as the year that Humphrey Bear would have been. Politics by Turnbull and nothing more.
And yes Rosie Batty is inciting more abuse in Australia with her uneducated words on abuse and domestic violence.
Thank you to your entire team and please keep up the incredible work you do. The women I see who have suffered abuse have all reads your articles and others on your websites. And your words actually make them feel a little more empowered because you are the only one who gets them, knows how it really is, from the abuse, to the injustice by the police and the court system. Every word all correct.
Thank you to your entire team and please keep up the incredible work you do. You are the inspiration to domestic violence cause and victims and survivors and the real advocates, not Miss Batty. Thank you Janice
Update 5.5.2016 Miss Rosie Batty is back in the media with the Fairfax- Rupert Murdoch owned media pinching once again from our articles, this time as well about our information in our articles and links on law reform which she was dead against, our words, our hard work and using them as her own.
ReplyDeleteWe have had a gut full Miss Batty. You are a liar and we are exposing you as just that. We have contacted the Women's Legal Center, the media, the Daily Mail where we saw your article with our words you stole from us and taking full credit for our work. Our people have a number of speaking engagements on their calender's and we will keep exposing you Miss Batty. Miss Batty has also lied to a radio station in an interview, we were just told today. We are getting the name of the radio station to contact them, exposing Miss Battie's lies once more.
This was sent to us in communications on social media
today. If you go to the article update you will see a new communication sent to us on social media in regards to new lies Miss Batty has said on radio. Also once again pinching directly from our articles. Yes the person whop sent us the communications another professional and a former victim of domestic violence and also had several articles published in Harvard Business Review contacted us today.
Rosie Batty has done a complete 360. She has always
maintained in the media and in her speaking "Domestic Violence is only committed by men" Now she is doing a Malcolm Turnbull because we have exposed her in our articles.
We say in our articles abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence does not discriminate. It effects women, men, children, gays, transgenders, all races, all religions, all social statures, even the family pet.
Our articles our posters all convey this message, our social media, our twitter, website, our own newspapers, everywhere conveys this message, all of our article links convey this message and have done for over a decade.
Rosie Batty is not an advocate of domestic violence, she is an advocate for herself only. She would have to be the worst advocate for domestic violence in the world with her dangerous thinking, her words. Keep reading we expose more of Rosie Batty in this article.
We have contacted the Daily Mail and other media outlets and all over social media showing how Rosie Batty has lied how she is stealing from our articles. Our own work product, dates times etc show how Miss Batty is stealing from our articles then claiming them as hers. She gives zero credit to us, just to herself. The characteristics of a complete narcissists.
Our people have speaking engagements on our calender's including Internationally and we will keep exposing Miss Batty in our engagements, because we are like the rest of Australia; pissed and had enough of Miss Batty.
These are direct comments taken from social media which we have also screen shot and re-posted, one by a journalist another by a professional, advocate and survivor of domestic violence and sexual abuse. They too want Miss Batty Stopped and want to help us to do this.
ReplyDeleteYes, Rosie Batty has acted in the most traitorous way towards battered women and their children in this country.
She cares little for all the women and children suffering Domestic Violence in its myriad of forms.
I don't have the same qualifications as your professionals. I have studied mental health issues and hold a mental health first aid certificate. I am a survivor of domestic violence and rape. So I draw on my personal experiences when helping people rebuild their confidence. I also do speaking engagements. Many of the people I assist prefer to talk to another survivor after they have completed professional counseling or in combination with it. I have had several articles published in Harvard Business Review.
PS I heard Ms Batty on the radio today and have written to the station requesting equal air time to highlight DV against men, gay/lesbian etc. I'll let you know if it comes off.
I agree Rose only talked about men who drunk as a reason for violence. Then other thing about her interview I didn't like were the excuses she gave for why women stayed in abusive relationships. We need society to be more aware of how she is misrepresenting domestic violence for her own cause. Let me know if I can help out. Thanks for the latest info very insightful. ♡
We have been sharing comments left my other professionals, journalists, advocates of abuse, victims of abuse all over our social media pages and in the comments at the end of this article. They are telling us Rosie Batty is now their abuser, Malcolm Turnbull is their abuser, the Fairfax media is now their abuser. By their words and their actions. And it is impossible to get the truth reported because Malcolm Turnbull Rupert Murdoch, Fairfax owned media controls most of it.
ReplyDeleteTheir puppet is Rosie Batty spurting untruths about abuse, domestic violence, and she lies to the public. And she has teamed up with a bunch of elite Feminists, reporters who keeping spreading her abuse of victims, her lies, her and their uneducated one sided views on domestic violence and abuse, when none of them have a clue.
This is an open message/ letter to Miss Rosie Batty.
ReplyDeleteBy now yes, you have seen our new article on this site and from Alexandria's website
Please stop stealing from our articles plagiarizing from them then standing in the media claiming what you stole from us as your own.
Women all over social media and on our websites are posting, wanting you stopped Miss Batty. We have screen shot and shared those screens shots with Seven news today and other media outlets including the NSW Womens Legal Center.
You are miss informing and miss-leading not only Australia about abuse but world wide.
You are abusing all victims of abuse by your words and actions, and the comments posted by people furious at you Miss Batty speak for themselves.
Your words your thinking are dangerous to all of society. You are putting the actually crimes of abuse and all the dedicated hard work professionals and advocate organizations world wide have done for decades back decades as well.
You Miss Batty have your own agenda, your own personal financial agenda at work and nothing more.
You are profiting of abuse and the miss-leading information of "Your Own" that you dribble on about.
You are miss-leading the youth of our nations about abuse, and again "your own dangerous views and words" so dangerous to our youth.
Miss Batty you have stood in the media, on your paid speaking talks and always, always maintained this. "Domestic Violence is ONLY committed by men." "It is only committed by men using drugs and alcohol" those are your words Miss Batty on public record hundreds of times.
Your words Miss Batty are 100% incorrect, untrue, disturbing, misleading and dangerous to all.
You say Miss Batty "i don't know much about abuse". Yes you have made that very clue, so stop bloody talking.
If we stood in the media and said what you said in those quotes Miss Batty the world world leaders would absolutely crucify up, hug up and quartered.
STOP talking Miss Batty, and stop profiting from abuse. You are as bad as Erica James.
Silence does hide abuse Miss Batty, so does you out right ignorance.
Thank you to all the men and woman who have been writing to us, commenting on our social media pages, our website, in private messages, also wanting Rosie Batty stopped.
ReplyDeleteAs one women, a victim of domestic violence said to us just today about Rosie Batty " If a woman is to advocate for a woman, she does not reduce women." because this is what Rosie Batty is doing to all women worldwide. She is doing this is many ways; and one of the most abusive ways is by her words that she speaks.
She is dangerous to society, she is inciting abuse and violence and is putting all victims of these crimes down by her uneducated, and very dangerous thinking and words.
(Hi Alexandria, I am still finding my way through the articles and the website. You women are absolutely brilliant for coming up with it and the graphics, exposure, rawness, use of language keeps it REAL. I can fight this fight with you all and have read your story and it is raw, triggering a lot of similarities, that is why what you ladies are accomplishing is so very valuable to humanity and it's survival. Please allow me to extend my deepest and heartfelt sorrow for your experiences and a smile for your truth in sharing your journey, a wink and thumbs up for your courage and determination to leave our planet a better place for speaking out and for not being silenced. ❤ Jesse )
This is just of one of many comments we get on our social media pages about our website and the articles on domestic violence.
Anyone can comment on our website; you can comment anonymously.
The comments are moderated because of abusive trolls. If you would like to comment about your experiences with abuse please feel free to do so.
You are all brave Warriors who have endured abuse, all abuse, we can be warriors together; you are never alone. #RiseUp #Warriors lets break the chains together
We have had massive feedback about Rosie Batty and all of the feedback supports our words, and the words in our articles. They do not support Rosie Batty and they too want her stopped from talking.
ReplyDeletePondering on where to comment with your work and valuable historical contributions is difficult as the victims and survivors of abuse are under the hammer due to laying our souls bare and speaking out or accepting the unacceptable due to the control that the broader society has on our voices and choices, right down to family and friends. Regardless of background, family roots and dynamics there is a common and all to pervasive pattern that appears to earmark one for abuse. Damned if you do, damned if you don't applies and there is something intrinsic about abusers that is able to penetrate all barriers, all disciplines, religions and culture to gain their sense of belonging by the power of attraction. Victims and survivors know how quickly this spreads and how influential it is in contributing to their earmarking', or being branded- the scapegoat or the one that poses a risk by being armed with a silver bullet, metaphorically the information or vial of truth that has the power to change our perceptions as a society on abuse. Get with the program', sums it up and due to the grouping of minds who share in a greater need to belong than to connect with the movement for the greater good, the dilemma sits somewhere in between the goalposts at either end of the field. A coach will coach players on how to achieve the win in the battle between the opponents. A mentor will be more interested in bringing out the success of an individual or group in encouraging their alignment with their moral conscience or ethical reasoning, what is most valued by them, to them to be a successful person, not the player in a game. Successful abusers are interested in the game. Successful victims and survivors are interested in personal retainment of those values that align with the greater good. Playing a game may involve score fixing and cheating, attending to our epidemic of abuse is no game', it is as critical an emergency that presents to the E.D. and any error or frailty may cost lives. The cost of lives through violence is a guesstimate as the cost of lives in costs of lifelong damage or the ending of lives due to those who can not sustain their lives, through broad-scale abuse may simply be cast away into no mans land', as some other category-some morbidity that had a more insidious or hidden consequence on life than a direct homicide or murder. Abuse has a direct correlation on the health status of the body, mind and soul. Until we look at abuse holistically how can we begin to heal as people, as a nation, as a world. When leaders and those representing the people reduce the abused and their testimonies into categories to control, they are representing the abuser- they are coaching to win a game, accolades, wealth and just like an abuser they are intentionally setting the victim or survivor up for failure. An abuser may isolate the victim, economically deprive the victim, remove resources so that the victim becomes conditioned to the extremes of abuse without flashing a hand across their face, yet uses their position to decrease the probability of the target freeing not only themselves but their fellow humans from the same demise. <3 Jesse
ReplyDeleteThank you Jesse your words are valuable to us. Thank you for your wonderful comments on our other social media pages. You are a true #Warrior
DeleteEven under silence hides violence article or Degradation of Women world wide or the article on Domestic Violence & Child Abuse — leaves Invisible Scars.
All of our articles deal with the injustices, the long lasting effects from abuse, violence.
Like we have said on the Degradation of women article, get a dart throw it anyone of articles and it will show you degradation of women, in so many ways. That degradation starts from birth, through until the day you die.
Silence by the victims own families, silence by society, by the justice system, by governments, and by the media. Victims of all abuse; child abuse,sexual violence, domestic violence, human-trafficking, are all silenced.
Keeping the 'lambs silent', would not be a profitable exercise for coaches and those being coached, if all of the lamb's stopped calling out. Abuse is profitable and exploitable and abusers are synonymous in keeping the abused around for the game, or sport because the silver bullet or vial of truth, may completely unhinge the heroes or sportstars, teams or players, integrity and impact on how the sport is being perceived by society. Abusers put themselves and other likeminded people on a pedestal and the victim/s on pedestals in small bursts of grooming to idealise intitially for the purpose of kicking down that pedestal, person and pedestal, repetitively because doing the morally wrong thing, is their way to keep in alignment with the sport, their game and their connectedness to their kind. Wolves usually hunt in packs, animals teach us that survival is also about strategy. The lone wolf occasionally heads into a wolf pack whilst perhaps infirmed or injured and is abruptly dealt with. Weakness is perceived by those in power with the numbers of their kind, toward others who refuse to be inducted into their game. All over the globe there are lonewolves who have been victims and are quite used to being tossed between players like a ball. 'Their resilience is showing and their voices are growing'. Tolerance and patience are the virtues of the abused, passion, dedication and commitment to do it right, are what connects all victims. and survivors. <3 Jesse
ReplyDeleteIn our articles we address those who are profiting from abuse, the suffering of the victims of these crimes.
DeleteIt is absolutely wrong, you do not profit from the suffering of others.
Am glad today Dr Zadson was able to help me with a spell which stopped my husband from abusing me. He was into alcoholism and other social vices and was alos cheating on me the pain was too much to bear and i resulted online and saw posts of how this God sent man helps out women who suffer from various challenges and contacted him and in a space of just 3 days my husband started acting loving just live the first time i met him and stopped alcohol and till now we are have been living happily. I decided to write down his email here incase you need help with you marriage/relationship contact