featured Fifty Shades Darker




 Zero responsibility was taken by the so called author Erica James for the utter trash Fifty Shades of Grey; she tried to write. The books and movies should have warning label; "Attention dangerous to society to your health, keep out of read of children at all times."
 Erica James sexualized the violence to take your attention away from it. When you sexualize violence you make the violence invisible to the reader and to society. 

This utter dribble of sexual violence, rape, stalking, abuse, violence and not BDSM but sadomasochism is dangerous to our society. (external links are highlighted)
This entire franchise and Erica James is about how much money can they make of abuse, putting more lives in danger, promoting sexual violence to our children.
And if you are a teenager and read this R rated rubbish of porn, (also breaking the law) because that's what is is PORN, this is not what happens in a relationship between two normal people, this is not what happens when you lose your vaginity. (or saw the movie)
All the medical information wrong, the BDSM which it wasn't wrong, putting lives in danger; and it did just that. A child was raped and killed. Women were raped, stalked, marriages, relationships broke down, because of these books and movie.

Christian Grey personifies a complete Psychopath, this is a guy you would never let your daughter date, marry or go any where near, no matter how much dam money he had.
This type of relationship ends one way, the women fleeing for her life with the children.
As medical people we see the victims, the Anastasia's who were married to a Christian Grey in real life; beaten, threatened, battered and some of those women go through much worse.
The more money and power the greater the abuse; an absolute fact.
Leading medical people from all over the world called out these books and movie as abuse, violence, domestic violence, rape, torture, control, promoting violence to our society, to our children. The articles and evidence is in those links that are all highlighted. 
Even leading syndicated TV shows from around the world started to expose this rubbish as abuse and were furious and disgusted.
Erica James was just happy she could bring violence, abuse into relationships and destroy them, because all she see's like the franchise is the dollar signs. Zero regard for society, but she would not let her teenage boys read the books or watch the movie; because their mother is sexually abusing 15 year old boys and women in the books.
Erica James is directly quoted; the books are based on her life experiences her life and yes we have the video of her saying this on National TV.

Right through the four books, Grey being the most violent; Christian Grey is still controlling, abusive in book three.
Erica James sexualized the violence to take your attention away from it. When you sexualize violence you make the violence invisible to the reader and to society.

Society has a growing health crisis of sexual abuse, domestic violence, rape and stalking and here we have Erica James and the Franchise of Fifty Shades of Grey promoting all of these crimes as romance, also breaking child media protection laws in doing so.
This dribble of sexual violence is contributing to the health epidemic sweeping our nations.

It is the people who get off on sexual violence, abuse, rape, control and porn who will not, and do not want to see it either, the dangers to society these books and movies are. They would rather abuse medical people who specialize in abuse, abuse victims who have been through this sort of abuse in the books and movie than face up to the realities — their own addiction to violence — their own ignorance to abuse — and the epidemic of abuse and sexual violence sweeping our world teaching it to our children because of books and movies like Fifty Shades of Grey.
Erica James abuses medical people with degree's who specialize in abuse, sexual violence who called her books and movie out as just that. She called our people antiabortionist because we also called her books and movie out. Her comments to us are on our website in those article links highlighted. Read Here

Who Erica James stole and plagiarized from; law suits are pending we were told Read Here 
Grey book review, we were asked to review the book, by the time we had finished the book looked like a Christmas tree all lit up with sticky notes on every page. Read Here  
Fifty Shades of Grey legitimizes and glamorizes violence against women. Read Here
Dakota Johnson a naive 26 year girl-women, still living in a Hollywood fantasy land Read Here
Ask E L James on twitter about abuse, what a joke ReadHere
Fifty Shades of Grey is fucked up when they do an episode of Criminal Minds about the same scenario Read Here
Fifty Shades of Grey is a how to manual for a Psychopath Read Here
FIFTY SHADES OF GREY "NO MORE" The how to guide for a Psychopath, an abuser, sexual assault, stalking  Read Here
Fifty Shades of control by Christian over Anastasia MASTER & SLAVE "SEX SLAVE" CONTRACT Read Here 
Every women wants a little Christian Grey in them "Apparently" Only the sexually deprived ones. Read Here
My own story of the Christian Grey i married is here, and its not a bloody fairy-tale, of hearts and flowers, it was a living nightmare READ HERE

We started writing our own book seven years ago addressing sex, sexual abuse, abuse, and so much more. The book comes out this year and 100% of the profits are going to charity. We have already been told its going to be a best seller, there is already interest in a movie. When Erica James read about our book from our website she abused us for doing so, said "it would take away the profits from here". Our profits go to charity, unlike Erica James profits that go to her personal bank account for her luxury lifestyle. Our book is written by professionals with responsibility and has nothing what so ever to do with Fifty Shades of Grey, zero. Shades of Grey you can read more about the book and part pages from chapter one from the website. Read Here
♦Meaning of "shades of grey" -Cambridge English Dictionary shades of grey› the fact of it not being clear in a situation what is right and wrong: a straightforward choice between good and evil, with no shades of grey. ♦

Our website has a huge international audience from all over the world, America being our number one reader of our articles. We have over 16 million people coming to our website social media and connecting with us. Syndicated Networks magazinesnews net works every day people. Even our own book has gained huge attention from our own promotions. People have left comments on the website loving the book so far, the entire idea of the book and what it represents. And no we are not a church group. We are just professionals, who got together, stormed our ideas, even personal experiences to write this book as a learning tool from teens to adults. Obviously there is sex in the book because we are addressing sex and many other issues through out the entire book. We are also considering a second follow up book from book one Shades of Grey.

My own story of the Christian Grey i married is here, and its not a bloody fairy-tale, of hearts and flowers, it was a living nightmare READ HERE

They were named 'worst onscreen couple' at the Razzie Awards earlier this year for their lack of chemistry in the first Fifty Shades of Grey movie.
And things don't look much steamier between Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson this time around on the set of 50 Shades Darker in Toronto. 

 And it begins again. The franchise of Fifty Shades of Grey or the publicists of Dakota Johnson having comments removed who speak the truth about the zero chemistry between Dornan and Johnson. If you dare to criticize this utter rubbish, then they report your comment. 
We have seen and read the links of the Franchise of Fifty Shades of Grey and the publicists of Dakota Johnson  will go to; bullies for doing this exact thing. 
The Daily Mail is the only on line magazine who bows into the paid articles of the franchise and removes comments for no reason. 
Those comments do not violate any rules. We actually tried this out to see. And yes sure enough the franchise and the publicists of Dakota Johnson  had the comments removed, reported. Shows the desperation once again of this franchise and the publicists of Dakota Johnson.
They will allow complete bullying of Jamie Dornan and his wife but say one word about Dakota Johnson and her zero acting ability and your comment is gone.

Today 18.3.2016 we checked the article again and yes the bullies of the franchise and Publicists of Dakota Johnson are back at it again, bullying readers, bullying Jamie Dornan and his wife once again. And readers are complaining from all over the world about having their comments removed if they dare criticize Dakota Johnson, it is always only ever Dakota Johnson.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know its her Publicists doing this, reporting comments that don't suck up to her, their comments online today show this, out right bullying readers.
Last year we took screen shots of the articles from the New York Times and other leading magazines, criticizing the shocking acting of Dakota Johnson, zero chemistry. Those article screens shots are in our highlighted links.

19.3.2016 Direct line from the Daily Mail ( To say the least. Whereas Fifty Shades author E. L. James created a straightforward Cinderella romance, complete with dimwit heroine Anastasia) that comes straight from an article written by the Daily Mail today. 

Online article April 1 2016 reports: 
Report claims that Dornan was almost replaced due to his lack of chemistry with Johnson in the film. It wasn't only the actor who allegedly had some difficulties, as Johnson is said to have also struggled with onscreen chemistry.
The website claims that things got so bad that director James Foley considered replacing Dornan because of his lackluster performance.Dakota Johnson has said to have no chemistry and a very boring performance as usual. (It would seem nothing new then. Dakota Johnson has had no chemistry with any one she has been with in a movie, so whats new. At least Jamie Dornan has.)

Jamie has won awards for his work, he can act we have all seen it, but not in Fifty Shades of Grey. Is he a "really good actor"?, not really, there are a lot better obviously, and always new talent coming onto the scene everyday. And we all know votes and awards can also be brought by studios, this has been a long controversy for many years. Both actors, Dakota and Jamie are very wooden and boring on screen, lack sparkle that would make you want to actually pay money to see either of them, summed up very well in comments left by people on our site, "sex appeal of a dead fish".

Irish Film and Television Awards nominated and won. The Fall he won.
Then it goes down hill because of Fifty Shades of Grey, was nominated with Dakota Johnson and won Razzie awards. Worst actors actress, worst on screen chemistry. The movie also got a Razzie.
Right there says it all.

These books should never ever have been made into one movie, let alone three.

Every time there is an article on the Daily Mail which the franchise pay for, they have the Fifty Shades of Grey franchise and the publicists of Dakota Johnson  all over the articles, with their fake accounts, abusing people who call out Fifty Shades of Grey for exactly what it is rubbish, sexual violence and dangerous to our society.
But you don't even have to go that far in your comment. Just for writing the truth that Dakota Johnson who can not act her way out of a paper bag as one comment stated, was awarded worst actress of 2015, her family buy her acting roles; something what has also been written by the best movie critics in the world. No online screen presence, or acting ability at all, no chemistry between any leading men in any movie she has had role brought for her to be in.
All of which is true and written about in articles by other publications. 

Then today the franchise and the publicists of Dakota Johnson  has their people all over this article saying the most despicable things about Jamie Dornan's wife who has just had a baby. 
This is not the first time we have seen this in any article to do with Jamie, his wife Amelia.
Not one of those comments which were incredibly cruel were removed from the Daily mail article, none of them; yet they are the comments violating the rules. Once again showing those comments were orchestrated to give Jamie Dornan and his wife bad publicity.
Some of the comments involved Jamie's name and his wives name used in the same comment as Dakota Johnson, saying vicious slander about Jamie and his wife, while praising Dakota, and still not one of those vicious comments removed. Again orchestrated to bring Jamie Dornan and his wife down, and pump Dakota Johnson up; publicity driven  for Dakota Johnson's benefit only.
This is what this entire franchise has become, vicious bullies.

I am sure Jamie and his wife regret the very day they agreed to sign onto this complete rubbish.

You have to redact the simplest words, like (sex, psychologist, doctor, PhD, sexual violence, child abuse, rape, violence) the daily mail are allowed to use these words and much worse in their articles, but when you leave a comment you are not allowed to use them, to get a comment published with these words you have to use your redacting skills to do so.

None of these comments violate any rules. Yet these are the sorts of comments that are being deleted for speaking the truth intelligently.

Please also scroll down to read the comments on this article. Our comments are screened because of foul mouth abusers, who like to add every swear word in the dictionary to their comment. Who are worse than the vicious trolls on the Daily Mail.

Porn is prostitution with a camera

 Even the world wide organization Ark of Hope for abused kids and Human-trafficking agrees with our words and shares our articles, supports our work, and recommends us as one of their top people to follow @Goddess300 Alexandria
We belong to Ark of Hope.  

Diaries of a woman, don't be seduced by the dark side. It is not a romance novel Read Article

Our Professionals are international speakers and we belong to world wide organizations to address abuse and violence. All of our articles are complied by a team of people, we have professionals and advocates from all over Australia and the world; men and women, and we also belong to world wide organizations, and work with Federal Authorities world wide, exposing crimes of abuse, violence and corruption.
We have a very generous graphics design team who donate their time and services for free for all of our beautiful posters. Our team of people do not get paid; we are non profit. We use our own money and time as advocates and activists.We have over 16 million readers world wide. 
Last year we were nominated for a Humanitarian Award.
This year one of our own Alexandria has been nominated for an Australian of the year award 2017.

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  1. Great article. You will never see the Daily Mail do an article like you have in this one and through the other links, exposing the abuse and sexual violence in this movie.
    The amount of times i have left a comment on an article about Dakota Johnson and Fifty Shades of Grey, saying basically what you have said. Comments reported by the Franchise or like you have said on her articles by her Publicist who are always all over them with their fake accounts, they stick out a mile long.
    Never have that happen on any other online publication i might comment on, only the Daily Mail.
    I am not the only one, i see the comments from other people complaining about having the same thing done to them.
    I saw the nasty nasty things being said about Jamie and his wife Amelia, and none of those comments were removed. I even reported quite a few myself, still there. WHY??? They violate the rules. Why is because its Dakota Johnson Publicists doing this. He gets more attention than she does, people actually like him, but they don't like Dakota Johnson. She is a spoilt brat as far as i am concerned.
    I saw the way she spoke to her mother last year on the red carpet because her mother didn't want to see the movie. Don't bloody blame her.
    I read the interview she did with Cosmopolitan Magazine Journalist Kjersti Flaa. Dakota was an obnoxious spoilt brat. She kept avoiding the questions asked of her. She called Medical people with actually fucking degrees uneducated. She barely finished high school, had a drug and alcohol addiction, and she has the nerve to abuse medical people who specialize as uneducated and not knowing what they were talking about. She even abused the people who specialized in BDSM because they said what was in the books and movie wasnt BDSM it was abuse, violence and sadomasochism. When she was called out on that, she said "she knew the BDSM world they didnt" FFS. These are people with Sociology degrees, who actually practice and specialize in BDSM who have blasted, exposed the books and movie as not being BDSM and what is portrayed in Fifty Shades of Grey does not belong in the BDSM world.
    She deserves every bit of criticism she gets.
    I am not a huge fan of Jamie in Fifty Shades of Grey, but i have always liked his other work he has done. The worst thing he did was sign up for this abuse crap. He should be thinking about his children, the influences on them when they are older.
    I read he held out for 7 times what he got for the first movie to play the second. So this is obviously about money, his pay day.Not good Jamie.
    For Dakota Johnson well she is as big an air head as Anastasia the silly twat she plays in the movie.
    We all know the books never sold what they did and the movie never made what is said it did.
    I have a brother in the Movie industry right at the top and also very good friends with a lot of heavy weight in the movie business, all planted by the franchise to keep the buzz going he says, also not fans either of Dakota Johnson, her career if you can even call it that, has been brought for her, all the way. I agree with comments, she can not act. I actually go out of my way not to watch anything she is in because she is crap in everything, she spoils the movie.

    Read your sites book bio and pages so far on Shades of Grey. Loving it. Wouldn't mind my brother taking a look, i will email your people with details i got the contact details from the website. I agree will be a best seller and make a great movie. Profits to charity that is seriously generous and well done to your people. Another great reason to want as many people as possible to support this project, can do a lot of good and un do the damage of Fifty Shades of Grey has done to society to our children.
    Our kids are banned from reading the books and seeing the movie they are 15 and 16 yrs old.
    Now a subscriber, thanks

    1. You are so welcome. Good to see our article had a huge impact on the Daily Mail a link to the article here was sent to them. They began to remove the hate comments by the Fifty Shades Franchise and by Dakota Johnson's Publicist. But at the same time they removed further comments from people who had commented about Dakota Johnson once again; the people who commented about her zero acting ability and lack off on screen personality and chemistry in all films she has done not just Fifty Shades of Grey. So her Publicists are still having everyone comments removed and i did see there are still spiteful comments about Jamie's and his wife, which is clear as day set up by Johnson's Publicists. More people have read this article than even left comments on the Daily Mail about the article its self.

      My own personal blog website Diaries of a Woman has also done an article on Fifty Shades darker and the abuse and Psychopath, Sociopath types like Christian Grey, the link is in the article i added it today but here it is in this comment http://diariesofawomen.blogspot.com.au/2016/03/dont-be-seduced-by-dark-side.html

      Last year when we did articles on the dangers of Fifty Shades of Grey and the Book Grey, our website was spammed as well as our social media pages of abuse by the Franchise, we had to report them. This entire Franchise including the publicists of Dakota Johnson are absolute bullies, we have seen it over and over.

      We appreciate your support for the book Shades of Grey, any support is so much appreciated. This book is for a wonderful cause. And to have a movie made would just be incredible, and a huge success, and yes like you said un-do the damage of Fifty Shades of Grey and Erica James. Haven't checked the emails yet but will do that shortly thank you so much.

  2. How exactly do you not know this is Jamie Dornan fans as well? Jamie has a millions of fans and trust me majority of them are not fans of his wife. Fifty Shades of Abuse is what Jamie Dornan signed on for, he is just as much apart of this as Dakota Johnson. And I don't understand your concept praising his role in The Fall. He plays a sick serial killer that abuses woman. Please provide feedback.

    1. We have called Jamie out for the fall don't worry. Jamie did play a very good role in the Fall, and yes he was playing a serial killer who killed and stalked woman. It is a fine line when making any series like this. Jamie himself broke the law in his irresponsible research into the role, he stalked a woman, admitted it in an interview; terrorized some poor woman who would have had a feeling she was being followed stalked. Ask any Psychologist, clinical, forensic, we have because our people are just that, you do not research a role like this ever. The same as you do not go to sex dungeons to research BDSM; what is done in sex dungeons is torture, sadomasochism, we know this we have asked the specialist themselves. One of there comments is also in article links and in this comment links.
      On one hand the makers of the series the fall are exposing to their audience how easy it is to fall prey to a Psychopath serial killer to be stalked. There was certainly no glamorizing this action as romance, hearts and flowers. It showed that a Psychopath- serial killer could be anyone, a married man with children, and in society often are. It is the same for a sexual abuser of women, children, they can also be a married man with children, a family of his own- a sociopath, psychopath, just as we see Christian Grey in Fifty Shades of Grey; this is what he is a sociopath, psychopath, sexual abuser of women keeping sex slaves, to use and abuse, stalk, control, hurt...the difference being those books and movie glamorized his actions as being OK to do this to women, to young boys. And these books and movie were copied by abusers rapists and caused a lot of damage and the rape and death of a child.

      Jamie Dornan is quoted in interviews saying and coped a lot of criticism for saying and doing all of this:
      The Fall didn't glamorize sexual violence against women because the women victims are professional women "not lap dancers" obviously, lap dancers are fair game in Jamie's eyes, they don't matter.
      Same guy who says it's just "intellectual snobs" who criticize Fifty Shades of Grey.

      Jamie is also quoted as saying he went to the sleazy sex dungeons to do his research for Fifty Shades of Grey. WHY?? What they do there in those places is not BDSM it is sadomasochism to the extreme, and very dangerous and sleazy.

      "Then you went home to your wife and baby and had to have a shower and scrub yourself before you could touch them".

      link to the article quotes here http://50-shades-of-abuse.blogspot.com.au/2015/03/dakota-johnson-naive-26-year-girl-women.html
      The links to quotes by Dakota Johnson are also in that article link.

      We have so much violence, sexual violence in our society and yes books and movies such as Fifty Shades of Grey are adding to that epidemic sweeping out society, promoting it to our children. Just like the TV series the Fall is a very grey area indeed; on one hand it is exposing how easily women can fall prey to a serial killer, a complete Psychopath, just like Christian Grey is a complete Psychopath, Sociopath personality as well, also a woman falling prey to his charms. In the fall there was no glamorizing the abuse, it showed the complete mind of a Psychopath serial killer, how they can be married men with children. Just as a sexual abuser of woman can be a married man with children.

      There is a very fine line to tread when making a series such as the fall, its the same as criminal minds they make TV series episodes about serial killers and in-fact they made an episode about Fifty Shades of Grey and the dangers of it, of a complete Psychopath of Christian Grey, even the producers of the series saw the dangers since they work with Psychologists, and Forensic and clinical Psychologists as well. here is the link for you to see for yourself. http://50-shades-of-abuse.blogspot.com.au/2015/04/christian-grey-psychopath-sexual-abuser.html

      Thank you for your comment, and do appreciate your words and thoughts on this.

    2. We also need to add that the vicious comments on the Daily mail that were directed at Jamie and his wife were not removed by the DM even after they had been reported more than once.
      Yes the comments where any person dare criticize "not abuse", just criticize Dakota Johnson's shocking acting ability, were immediately taken down and not reinstated. Comments also directed at Jamie himself, that were vicious in nature reported never taken down WHY?? They violated the so called rules on the DM 10 fold and left up.
      If you are saying the so called fans of Jamie Dornan are doing this, then they are not fans at all. We are not idiots we know how marketing, how publicists work and it is clear as day this is the work of both and they are not working for Jamie's Dornan.
      Every single time there is an article on Dakota Johnson paid for by her publicists this happens. People complain in comments to the DM about having their comments removed. Then the DM actually remove the complaints as well from the page. We have screen shot this very thing happening over and over.
      But hell; go to an article on the Karadashians and the comments are vicious and break every rule in their so called book and yet none of those comments come down.
      Dakota Johnson is not liked and there are numerous reasons why many laid out in our article links. There was even an online poll in 2015 we came across and the majority voted against Dakota Johnson as a person and actress if you can even call her this. They sad she was wooden, could not act, had no onscreen presence, no chemistry with any male actor, and especially not Jamie Dornan, and would not watch anything she was in. These polls are done by studios, marketing they test their own waters, this is how its done.
      We Apologize for typo error in the spelling of Jamie's Dornan's name in the first reply. auto correct has a mind of its own.

    3. If you took the time to read all of the links and the information provided then you will see the overall picture. One of our own Psychologist was actually married to a man just like Christian Grey and she went through shocking abuse, worst than the books, he story link is in the article. http://diariesofawomen.blogspot.com.au/2016/03/dont-be-seduced-by-dark-side.html

      Our site is a co run site, we have many authors who contribute to the articles and who also leave comment replies.

      We do screen our comments because we get sent abuse, spammed by Fifty Shades of Grey franchise. We also get spammed by abusers, who love sexual abuse, we get all the wack jobs leaving comments. Because we expose those same wack jobs, pedophiles, human-traffickers, sexual abusers in our articles, in the work we do world wide. You would be surprised at some of the comments we get saying its OK to sexually abuse a child or another human being. When it simply is not.

      In 2015 the franchise was reported to the Federal authorities for sharing R rated material and percuring children to watch R rated material on social media, It was screen shot and reported. This is a Federal crime. We work with Federal authorities reporting this sort of thing, helping to make the internet safe for children. Our people look for child abusers, pedophiles, rapists, human-traffickers, trafficking victims. A pedophile, a child sexual abuser will act out just what is in the books and movie of Fifty Shades of Grey and have done this exact thing to a little child. This is the dangers of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse our children are subjected to. Speak to the people who work on child sex cases, we do and we see what is done to a child. We even have data from Federal Authorities in those links.

  3. Our site has the right not to publish comments that also are abusive, and violate our own rules; just as the Daily Mail has seen fit to do, but the majority of the comments they do take down don't violate anything. Just like Major online publications have the right to also refuse publishing of comments they see fit as being abusive and break their rules.We get all sort of trolls leaving spam comments.
    Cosmopolitan magazine called out Dakota Johnson, Dakota refused to answer questions asked of her, side swiped them.
    The syndicated network The Today Show called out Fifty Shades of Grey and Grey as being abuse, violence and much more, the video is also on our site in the article links.
    Many major online publications, TV networks, major newspapers, medical specialists; have called out the entire Franchise of Fifty Shades of Grey, and Jamie Dornan, Dakota Johnson, Erica James for this sexual violence and abuse rubbish, as well as the shocking acting, zero chemistry, terrible movie, terrible books, terrible script and much more. We are certainly not the only website who has done this, hundreds of people have, most likely thousands have if you include everyday people.
    And we will continue to do so, protecting our children's future and lives of real people who have been terribly effected by these books and movie and movies to come.

  4. I read the article interview with Sam Taylor Johnson, she said that no other actress tried out or was even offered the part of Anastasia. I left a comment on the Daily mail about this and my comment was removed. Removed for quoting from an article. This is how the rest of my comment went. You have a comment on your site which responded to what i said. My comment was removed hours after i posted it. I did not violate anything. All i did was state a fact.
    Out of the thousands of 25 year old women in the entire world who actually can act, have onscreen presence Erica James chose Johnson. Are you frigging kidding me. YEP and the rest of the world and movie critics are asking the exact same question.
    Sam Taylor Johnson said she would never have cast Dakota Johnson as the role of Anastasia.

    I recently watched the new TV series by the BBC The Night Manager; it is explosive. It was better than a block buster movie. The acting Academy award winning. The locations just beautiful. A lot of money was put into this production to make it outstanding as well. The chemistry between the actors sizzling. The script, plot everything about it makes a block buster series. Elizabeth Debicki 25 yrs old 1.9 mtres tall and sizzled and she sizzles in everything else she has done. I would pay to go and see her in a movie and i have. Tom Hiddleston 35 yrs old 6' 2" and he is one hot actor, and yes he can act, and has been in block busters and he has sex scenes with three different women in the Night Manager. Elizabeth has sex and nude scenes and she absolutely sizzles.
    I have seen that many female actresses who do full nudity and sex scenes on screen and they all sizzle, light up the screen. Dakota Johnson; no fire, no sizzle, only fizzle, she is boring as boring can be. Sorry if the truth hurts but that's it and it would seem millions of people world wide agree with this exact same remark.

    I watched a new movie the other day Gods of Egypt and a new comer actress; and i had to go an look her up to see who she was; Courtney Eaton from Australia, she is stunning, and sizzles on screen, she is going to be huge, and she can bloody act 20 yrs old 5' 10"; there is your Anastasia. Right there. I hated the books and movie, but just putting it out there, since this shit was made into a movie and there is going to be 2 more pieces of this crap yet to come. Replace Dakota Johnson right now and go with a woman who can act and lights up the screen like Courtney Eaton.
    Another young comer from the same movie Gods of Egypt also Australian Brenton Thwaites 19 yrs old 5' 11¼", he is going to draw in the younger crowd.

    Then we have Fifty Shades of Grey; Shocking sets, wardrobe. I have friends who are multimillionaires who dress better than what wardrobe was given to Jamie Dornan to wear as Christian Grey, and Christian Grey is meant to be a billionaire.
    Anastasia's wardrobe looked like it came out of the salvo bin, it was terrible.
    The so called hotel suite at the Hotel, which i cant even remember the name of and would never stay there after what Fifty Shades of Grey call a suite for a billionaire.
    Are you frigging kidding me, it looked like a broom closet. I have stayed at bigger and bigger suites 4 times that size. Here's an idea to the franchise, look up what a real suite looks like, take a leaf out of the TV series the Night Manager, the movie Focus, they are hotel suites.
    Hell i could keep going, because the entire movie was crap, i would never waist my money going to the cinema to watch, it was available for download with in one week.
    The books, well your articles summed it up beautifully.
    And this entire franchise wonder why people come out attacking it,, because its garbage.

    1. Priceless!!!! Wait for it Monday and Dakota Johnson's publicists will have a brand new fluff piece written all about her, bet you anything you like. She hates the criticism. If it wasn't for her grandmother, father and mother being in film there is no way in bloody hell she would even get a look in for a movie role, Nada, nothing. Her Grandmother couldn't act, her mother couldn't act, her father is the only one who can.
      Just because my father is a doctor doesn't mean i would make a good doctor. Same goes for Dakota, she needs to face it, she hasn't got what it takes to be a star of the screen, or a bloody actress.
      Nope not a fan, never ever have been, agree wooden, no presence, cant act, a dead fish.
      The Heathman is that name of the hotel in the movie. I hope they don't charge an arm an a leg for that broom closet, real rip off if they do. Yes that was a crack up when i saw the size of that dog box that was meant to pass for a suite that a billionaire stays in.
      The entire movie was a crack from start to finish, people were leaving the cinema, then at the end booing and demanding their money back.
      Will not waste my money seeing another one, absolute shit.
      Jamie Dornan you have destroyed your career doing this shit.
      Will not support any movie that glamorizes abuse as romance. Fifty Shades of Grey did this so did the media. The media got paid to promote sexual abuse as romance.
      I agree with every comment and ever single article on your site in the links i read.
      Time for everyone to bloody wake up, stop listening to the bullshit the media spin; hello people they get paid to make up shit and spin it into gold.
      Fifty Shades of Grey wasn't gold or silver, it was manure-pure shit.

  5. As they say if you cant take the heat get out of the fire. Dakota Johnson and her publicists should take note. They cant take the criticism. People have the right to criticize her, she is getting paid to perform a service. And that service is shitty. If you were at a restaurant and you paid for food you thought you were ordering and you got something else, something that was substandard, you would complain, want your money back. Well the movie business is no bloody different.
    She does not have any appeal what so ever to me on the screen and i am a 28 year old guy from the USA and in the film Business as is my father. I had to go to film school start at the bottom, no one gave me a hand up, brought me gigs, not even my father with all of his contacts. I had to work. Dakota Johnson has had it handed to her, everyone knows this.
    My girl friend and i went with friends to see Fifty Shades of Grey, and not because i wanted to see it. Went for my girlfriend to support her as did the other people we went with, to support their girlfriends. And FYI; wont be seeing another of this shit.
    You would have to be living on another planet to not have know about the books, fu#k marketing pushed this shit like it was meant to be pots of gold or something, when it was far from it.
    My girl friend and her friends read the books, she showed me content, she said sorry if that is meant to be a turn on having a 21 year old girl raped, stalked and coerced and beaten like your article even says into having sex, then these women have serious issues who got turned on by this violence.
    She found it no way in the least sexy, a romance, a turn on any way. And we have a very full sex life. And i agree with her. I would never in a million years treat my girl friend who i respect and love like this guy did in the books and movie.
    Then when we saw the movie; all of us said "what the fu#k is this shit. Music playing over scenes so loud. Love me like you do; There was laughter in the entire cinema.
    The entire movie was just BS crap all the way through.
    The comment above about hotel suite being a broom closet cracked me up, because it was just that. Lack of budget really showed, studio obviously didn't want to spring for any real money to make this crap. My girlfriend shits all over Dakota Johnson in looks and body wise. Dakota Johnson has as much sex appeal as a dead fish.
    Went to see Black Mass with Johnny Depp, Hated the movie because she was in it. Who the fu#k puts a 25 women who cant act in a movie like that, and like the comments above say has no screen presence because she doesn't; she was shit in that movie. Put me off the entire movie, and that was words shared by most who left that cinema that day.
    Would not pay to watch her in a movie. If i am paying for a service then i want my moneys worth, and she is not even close to being anyone's moneys worth.
    She needs to find a new line of work, her family can only buy her acting jobs for so long. She is costing studios money, because people don't like her for one, and she cant act for another.
    Saw the Night Manager the other day loved it. Loved God of Egypt, agree with the above comment, the Australian girl Courtney Eaton has it all going on, something my mates and even their girlfriends and mine said. As my father and i said and my girlfriend, Fifty Shades of Grey is a career killer. Courtney Eaton is far too good for a role like that, she proved it 10 fold in Gods of Egypt.
    Cheers for the article, agreed with all of it and the links that we have read so far.
    We read the Shades of Grey book link; its a keeper. Really liked it, my girlfriend is already taken by the Character Edward and Kaitlin. Would make a killer movie, think you might have a fight on your hands for movie rights. Well deserved. Always support anything that also supports money going to charities. Abuse against women and children is something i wont tolerate.

    1. I was reading your comment; all valid points. I actually never thought of it like this, we as the public are paying for a service. And Dakota Johnson is not delivering that service.
      I am not a fan of Jamie Dornan, don't follow him on social media, don't do the whole follow someone because they say they are a celebrity; that's their own ego talking. Hell they wouldn't follow me if i sent them a request, i am a person just like them. Don't buy into all that hype. Cant stand the Karadashians.
      I liked Jamie as a model, but then again i liked a lot of guys who modeled as well, he was an 8/10 at the most.
      Acting wise i give him a 7/10, Dakota Johnson i give her a 1/10, the 1 is for showing up. Give it up sweetie you like the guy said a dead fish to watch.
      I cant even be bothered now after the article the other day in the Daily Mail, which was actually criticizing Fifty Shades of Grey and Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan, which surprised the shit out of me, because normally the articles are written by the franchise. The daily mail were having comments removed left right and center for agreeing with the headlines of the bloody article for christ sake.
      Would rather read your articles on Fifty Shades of Grey than the BS on the Daily mail sent in by the franchise or Dakota Johnson's publicists, all fluff pieces only. Their publicists are all over the articles as it is, so why even bother.
      Wont rehash what you have already stated, what the comments have already said which i agree with. Just wont be reading any more articles about Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan, Fifty Shades of Grey on the Daily Mail.
      Don't support the books, the movie, never will. Don't support Dakota Johnson never will. For all the reason your articles have already pointed out.
      Mildly support Jamie, he needs to distance himself from Fifty Shades of Grey if he is ever wants to be taken seriously, needs to start connecting with people and his audience and take the stick out of his ass. If it wasn't for us he wouldn't have an acting career or modeling career. He needs to remember that.
      Congrats to him and his wife for their new baby. Lets just leave it there with his wife and him.
      Saw Black Mass hated it for the reasons also stated by the comment.
      Haven't seen Gods of Egypt yet, we are going next week to see it, now i cant wait.
      Haven't seen the night Manager but now i am going to , thanks for that.
      Read your own book Shades of Grey from the website; YEP loving it, want more; will definitely buy the book and pay money to see that movie.
      Also support anything that gives money to charities like you are doing with the book and profits.
      Also against all forms of abuse, abuse of children and human-trafficking and the entire porn industry. Wonder how Jamie and his wife Feel about himself being on the sleezy porn sites of the world. Not a good example to set for his children.
      As for Dakota Johnson its the only attention she is going to get.
      Also from the USA. Now subscribed to your sites, social media and the diaries of a woman site.
      Read that article, i know woman in that exact type of relationship and are terrified to leave. Have been sexually abused in that relationship, just like the books of Fifty Shades of Grey.
      Women should really wake the hell up, like the article says, its not a bloody romance its a living nightmare which woman actually live. Really good article thank you for sharing that.

    2. Almost forgot; killer art work, posters and site. Hell Fifty Shades of Grey should hire your people. Best posters i have seen in a very long time. Keep up the great work. Support all you do. Well done to all your people world wide.

      People go and support the Book Shades of Grey by this site, all the profits are going to charity; the book is really good and will be a best seller for sure.
      And if the Daily Mail is reading this and i am sure they are, because i got this sites link from a comment on the Daily Mail; then support this site, this book, not bloody Fifty Shades of Grey sexual violence and abuse, you are part of the problem when you start pushing sexual violence as romance, because the world knows its not. We all need to support such a worth cause. Media get your heads out of your ass's and support this book and site and movie. Shades of Grey @shadesofgrey_EG
      Will be sharing with all of my friends and our book club.

  6. Priceless!!!! Wait for it Monday and Dakota Johnson's publicists will have a brand new fluff piece written all about her, bet you anything you like. She hates the criticism. If it wasn't for her grandmother, father and mother being in film there is no way in bloody hell she would even get a look in for a movie role, Nada, nothing. Her Grandmother couldn't act, her mother couldn't act, her father is the only one who can.
    Just because my father is a doctor doesn't mean i would make a good doctor. Same goes for Dakota, she needs to face it, she hasn't got what it takes to be a star of the screen, or a bloody actress.
    Nope not a fan, never ever have been, agree wooden, no presence, cant act, a dead fish.
    The Heathman is that name of the hotel in the movie. I hope they don't charge an arm an a leg for that broom closet, real rip off if they do. Yes that was a crack up when i saw the size of that dog box that was meant to pass for a suite that a billionaire stays in.
    The entire movie was a crack from start to finish, people were leaving the cinema, then at the end booing and demanding their money back.
    Will not waste my money seeing another one, absolute shit.
    Jamie Dornan you have destroyed your career doing this shit.
    Will not support any movie that glamorizes abuse as romance. Fifty Shades of Grey did this so did the media. The media got paid to promote sexual abuse as romance.
    I agree with every comment and ever single article on your site in the links i read.
    Time for everyone to bloody wake up, stop listening to the bullshit the media spin; hello people they get paid to make up shit and spin it into gold.
    Fifty Shades of Grey wasn't gold or silver, it was manure-pure shit.
    sorry i put my comment in the wrong spot, up further in one of the replies i was reading.

  7. Firstly thank you for the articles and saying it how it is, exposing this garbage.
    The entire franchise, Erica James, do they think people are bloody stupid; admittedly there are still some really stupid and gullible people still out there soaking up this bullshit, because of the media, the marketing. I have never seen something that has to be marketed that hard as Fifty Shades of Grey. Not one single person would have taken once of notice of this utter f***kng crap if they hadn't.
    Then we have Erica James, Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan telling the medical people of the world with multiple degrees thy don't know what they are talking about, are un educated, when they exposed all this garbage as being sexual abuse, abuse and a hell of a lot more. Get fu***king real you lot. I have 4 degrees and also a professor of women's studies at a university in the USA. I teach over 200 students, and all of them agree with the words in those articles, those students have brains and intelligence not like Dakota and Jamie or Erica James. Those students know the difference between right and wrong, abuse, sexual violence and romance. And Fifty Shades of Grey is not romance in any form.
    Then Dakota Johnson attacks the very people who specialize in actually BDSM who called out the entire garbage in the books and movie as not being BDSM, not being a BDSM contract but a sex slave contract. All of what was in the books and movie has no place in BDSM would take years to build up trust, not fu***kng 2 minutes like Dakota Johnson and Erica James would have the world believe. Dakota Johnson also called those people uneducated because should would have the world believe the BDSM world is her world. F**k off you bloody idiot.
    People who read and heard what she said; say they would never take any advice, medical or otherwise from her in a million years and she needs to grow the f***k up.
    Jamie did your wife have a medical team delivery your children or did you do that all by yourself. You called medical people uneducated, don't know what they are talking about. F***k off and grow up. Dakota Johnson had a drug addiction alcohol addiction by the time she was 21 yrs of age, a spoilt child of Hollywood.
    This entire franchise is about money, how much every one including Jamie, Dakota can make off this entire garbage and its parade of abuse.
    I had respect for you Jamie but not any more, and a lot of people feel this exact same way. And as for Dakota Johnson, she needs to go and live in the real world for awhile and get a real job, work for a year with sexual assault victims, abuse victims, very naive and spoilt young woman.
    Eric James don't even get me started on her. Exactly no care taken when writing her absolute rubbish and she has been trying to sell to the world that rape, sexual abuse, violence, domestic violence, stalking is romance, is love, is acceptable practice in the world we live in. F***k off Erica James. Might be acceptable practice in your fu**kd up world, but not in the reality we live in. Your article summed it up beautifully in those links.
    The most irresponsible garbage to come to the 21st century and should be stopped.

    1. I don't blame you for being mad; i am mad as well. They get to abuse who ever they want like the comment below says, but as soon as anyone dare challenges them; wow do they come out abusing people; or fly off on a holiday.
      Its the medical people who are left to pick up the pieces of the abuse, sexual abuse victims, which are also children.
      Did Erica James, Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan send flowers or pay for the funeral of that little girl who died because of the books and movie.??? I am sure they didn't.
      They just get their big fat pay day, and bugger the rest of society. And there is the problem right there.
      We do have an epidemic of abuse, sexual and violence in our society, and it needs to be addressed head on. And Fifty Shades of Grey is part of that problem, a huge part of that problem.
      So where does it end, how are society meant to make head waves when we have got people selling sexual violence as romance, as it being OK, to abuse a women and child, keep sex slaves, stalk a person, do what ever the hell they want to them.

  8. It would seem it is perfectly OK for Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan to abuse medical people, who spent years going to university studying medicine taking up their specificity fields, that either be as MD of PhD, Psychologist, or what ever.
    They are directly quoted, and i read the quotes on your site and the article in Cosmopolitan where Dakota Johnson abused medical people and victims of sexual abuse and abuse. Then she flew off to Mexico on a holiday. The media reported it, it was in all the tabloids. People were furious by her actions. She was called out on her words and she refused to comment, because she knows it all, and everyone else is uneducated.
    And Jamie was no better he abused medical people as well, and he stalked a woman.
    So what gives them the right ?? Do they think they have this right because in their small minds they are celebrities. Not celebrities in my eyes, just very insulting, naive, silly people who have let a little fame go to their heads.
    Erica James she abuses victims of abuse and professional people who specialize in abuse all the time, she doesn't care.
    So i am sorry, but They all deserve to be criticized, and no one is abusing them, it is pointing out actual facts they have done to abuse victims, to medical people, how they treat people who dare challenge them.
    They are the ones abusing people, they are abusing victims of abuse, sexual violence, stalking, because they are on record many many times supporting all of this as romance.
    They are getting paid to glamorize sexual abuse, rape, abuse, stalking, violence as romance.
    As a woman, wife and mother i agree with every single word, like every one else has written here in these comments and i agree with every single article.
    Both Jamie and Dakota need a reality check and go and work for a year in shelters, with children that have been sexually abuse because of what they are doing, what they promote as romance. Abuse is not romance.

    1. I just needed to add to my comment. Jamie comes from Ireland or is that wrong ?. Ireland has the strongest media laws to protect children in the world.
      I even read the media laws new bill on this website, thank you for posting that by the way.
      Fifty Shades of Grey breaks those media laws, anyone promoting Fifty Shades of Grey in Ireland is now breaking those media laws. And the penalties are prison, 10 yrs plus.
      The entire world should adopt those media laws; i know things would change considerable to what our children are exposed to by the media, who contribute to that abuse and sexual violence by promoting it.

  9. I read the comments that didn't pass through the moderators. Bloody shocking. The ones that did get posted, had a lot to say and i don't blame them.
    We have people that go through the comments moderating them, this website is run by many people.

    The franchise and the publicist try to silence the public. The public have a right to voice their concerns, their grievances, confront these people.
    They try to silence any one who dare speak out; they are no bloody different to a Gov trying to silence people.
    I have commented on a lot of articles in my times about many different things, but never, and i mean never, have i been given, seen so much abuse from one single franchise as Fifty Shades of Grey. And our people have seen the same comments voiced all over the internet, saying the exact same words.

    My husband and i want our little girl who is still a baby now, 14 months old, but when she grows up, we want her to have a safe future and not have to worry about being abused, or raped when she steps foot outside of her own door. When five year old kids are sexually abusing another child because what they see on the TV, or in the media, then we have a serious problem in our society. My husband said that's it she is going to be home schooled.

    We have these kinds of books and then movies of Fifty Shades of Grey, then the media all promoting sexual abuse, like we have written about over and over, they glamorize abuse, so that people don't see the violence, and they glamorize it as being good for your relationship for your marriage and for kids as well. All they see is the $$$$ signs, to make more money; greed plain and simple.
    Then they abuse the medical people or the abuse victims when they dare challenge them, speak out. Fifty Shades of Grey the dick-tater-ship; and yes i spelt it this way for a reason.

    My husband was reading through the comments and his was nodding his head with everyone of them, agreeing with those peoples words.
    Our people do not get paid to give a dam about trying to make the world safer for our children, for women and men who are being raped. Violated, abuse, being kept as sex slaves.
    We use our own down time, our own money, and we are part of global organizations who stand against abuse, sexual violence. We certainly don' support it, promote it as being romance, sunshine and lollipops like the entire franchise of Fifty Shades of Grey does.

    And the world has a right, and absolute right to voice their concerns, stand up against this abuse, these books and movies and also the people who support it; which is not very many these days, because they are having a huge social impact on our society, on our children; sexual violence, abuse, rape and even death.
    If you get off on sexual violence, then go and get some professional help, you are dangerous to our society.

    Ireland did something about it; introduced a new bill in 2015; the strongest child media protection laws in the free world. procurring of a child, new laws; sharing R rated material with a child, or R material for the purpose of procurring a child; all new laws. And you will go to jail.
    They are taking child abuse, sexual abuse seriously. And so should the rest of the world, because they simply are not. If they were, they would adopt the same new child media protection bill as Ireland, word for word.

  10. I am not a fan of either of Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson, but out of the two Jamie is the only one who can act. Lately there seem to be a giant smear campaign against Jamie Dornan by quite obviously Dakota Johnsons publicists to make her look good; which would be a miracle because nothing is going to make her look good. But i think its wrong what her publicists are doing to Jamie. I saw today Dakota Johnson was nominated for best kiss on screen. On what fucking planet, mars. She would have to be the worst kisser i have seen onscreen everrrrrr. It goes to prove the votes for nominations are rigged. Completely rigged. When this no talent was recently voted the worst actress in a movie in 2015. The worst online chemistry in a movie in 2015. And here she is as some bloody movie award getting voted best kisser, but outbreak performance. What a complete and utter joke, and completely rigged vote. I have seen the comments online from many countries people can not stand Dakota Johnson, they call her a spoilt, over privileged, no talent women who has had acting roles brought for her. She is self absorbed. I am like the millions of others around the world i agree with their words and i agree with all the words in the comments above.
    Jamie Dornan has a hell of a lot more acting ability and onscreen presence than Dakota Johnson will ever have or dream of having, and i don't even like the guy that much.
    A lot of very talented female actress's overlooked for this role, who completely out shine Dakota Johnson any day, who can act , who do have onscreen presence. The studio should have replaced Dakota Johnson, she is the fault in the movie role not Jamie Dornan.
    Better still just axed this bloody rubbish completely, the worst movie in the world, nothing is going to change the next two will flop.

    1. Thats why Johnsons Publicists have to work over time spinning her because she is not liked for all the reasons above and then some. She is called the Black Widow spider in Hollywood, she goes after married men or men in relationships. Reports are she went after Jamie Dornan. He of course rejected her because he is happily married and his wife had just had a baby at the time. So now she has set out to destroy his career. Reports she doesn't like to be rejected, spoilt. Well know fact in the USA her acting roles and nominations are being brought for her.
      When you look at her track record with guys and the type of guys she dates and how she never takes any of them to a red carpet event, makes sense from a Psychology perspective as well. I am wondering what her previous boyfriends have got to say about the entire BDSM thing, since Johnson is quoted as saying this is her world, the world of BDSM, so that would have to make her it three ex boyfriends worlds as well. Not unless she going to sex dungeons and BDSM clubs with out them, or maybe she is doing BDSM on herself. Either way the woman is laughable. She has no fucking clue about the BDSM world. I read the articles by the people who actually specialize in BDSM and you have them on your website. Not BDSM they said and not a BDSM contract but a master and slave, sex slave contract. Every time she opens her mouth she says the most stupid things.
      Cant act her way out of a paper bag as one critic wrote. The most boring person to watch on the screen and her voice is like running your fingernails down a black board; torture and not the good kind. I would never pay money to see her in anything. Maybe we should start paying money for her to go away, hopefully she will.

  11. Thank you everyone for your insightful, honest comments. Comments are now closed for this article.

  12. When you see the TV series on STARZ "The Girlfriend Experience" you realize how bad the acting is by Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan. How bad the entire book series and movie Fifty Shades of Grey is. Do yourself a favor and watch The Girlfriend Experience and then you will see what i am talking about. You will see how marketing and nothing more sold you the audience into believing Fifty Shades of Grey was the best books ever written, when they were actually the worst. I don't know one guy who thinks Dakota Johnson is sexy, or can even act, not one. Every comment I agree with here and then some.
    Hope my comment makes it in since comments are closed.


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