ANONYMOUS | Hello - can you hear us. Stop the Greed - Corruption - Abuse - Human Trafficking
21:03Guardians-GodYou can buy a girl baby through human trafficking for $500. Babies are stolen and also bred for the purpose of sex trafficking, for the child porn industry and especially for organ harvesting.
In the poster, you will see how much a girl or women is worth in the human trafficking business.
Girls - with blue eyes can fetch over $10,000.
Social media is a Human Traffickers hunting ground for children.
We have covered this in great detail in other articles, and we are going to keep covering it, until parents start waking up to the dangers their children are in on social media.
Social media is also used by human traffickers to sell children.
We have teams of people who look for these accounts, who sell children, and we have found plenty, giving all the details to Homeland Security Human trafficking division and the FBI.
This article has been in the making for a week, our team had been working on a very powerful video which is below in this article. It was only finished yesterday.
In fact this article will be the first in a series because there is too much to put in one article.
And we are going to expose a lot, evidence we have been sitting on for some time, and releasing this safely to not jeopardize children's lives or our whistle-blowers.
We are setting free Pandora's box, and we will be doing this world- wide Through Anonymous activists all over the world.
And NO people Wikileaks did not expose any of this, they in-fact helped cover this up. The CIA and fake Assange CIA bitch.
Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking
February 9, 2017
The biggest is the trading of children, of human lives for organ harvesting.
Victims of war, from Syria, tens of thousands of human trafficking victims.
Over 13,000 children have gone missing, vanished who made the passage into Europe from Syria, they have fallen victim to human traffickers.

If you are an Elite, a Corporation operating human trafficking, you get a free pass to keep up your criminal enterprises.
President Trump is the only leader really doing anything about the decades of crimes.
The rats are going to scramble.
The Turnbull Government - LNP Government of Australia is a human traffickers dream come true, he pays them.
His criminal activities well detailed on Hillary Clinton's server.
The Man if you can call him that, because he is barely that - is as much of a criminal as Hillary Clinton is - and his entire party should be in a jail cell now.
Let's hope President Trump and the Guardians makes that happen very soon.
I still remember the day vividly when i was first touched by human trafficking. It was over a decade ago.
These young girls were from Garner in South Africa, and yes they were the victims of sex trafficking. I was shocked at their story. And this was going on in Australia, still going on.
The trouble is the Turnbull Government in Australia uses the information he collects on illegal crimes and trafficking and uses it to black-mail with.
This corporation is still trafficking, still involved in child porn, drugs, money laundering and also blackmailing pedo Judges and Politicians. We even have detailed pictures and email address.
The Australian Government just turns a blind eye to this sort of corruption, so now we have gone to President Trump, since this is an international case.
One of our videos on sexual abuse, and sexual exploitation has had over 1million160,000 views now. There is an article that goes with the video. And it has had a massive response on social media, on our website from all over the world, shared by millions. All agreeing with our words, we we have exposed.
Our Government's need to sit up and start listening. If you want to watch that video and read the article it's HERE. It also exposes children again in the human trafficking trade for sex and the porn industry.
The greatest demanding for human sex trafficking is children under 13 yrs of age, that goes for the porn industry also.
Prostitution - children are the highest demand, not adults, but children, again 13 yrs of age and under.
Moments ago i just saw the document where the Turnbull LNP Gov in Australia, who are the fucking Cabal, are taking to the floor in Parliament Sharia Law to have passed. And since there are about only five decent Senators in Australia, the rest bought and paid for by George Soros, there is a very strong chance this will get passed if President Trump does not stop this now.
It will mean more women being abused, raped, beaten, tortured, killed, trafficked, children trafficked as child brides, raped and beaten, treated how ISIS treat women, and it will all be legal to do so under this barbaric law.
Turnbull is doing this to defy President Trump, he knows how fucked he is, since Trumps Guardians have made it known loud and clear they are coming after him.
President Trump and the Guardian's are going after the Cabal world wide, and have already made arrests. Full details HERE
Last night on Aus Tv Q&A. I have seen a small section of the video from last night this morning. Senator Jacqui Lambie, went after that bloody nut job - paid foot soldier of the Cabal and George Soros. Yassmin-Abdel-Magied. She is lobbying for the Cabal.
Australia have you forgotten how the Aus Government have spent millions on Sharia law for two years. Now you know why, they are planning to bring it in and replace the laws in Australia with Sharia Law.
President Trump has banned Sharia law. Remember how Clinton and Obama both wanted to bring in Sharia law. Both puppets of George Soros and part of the Cabal.
Before we release our next article on Pandoras box we are going to cover Sharia Law and the Psyop that is being running in Australia.
It's huge people and its actually connected to Human child trafficking, pedophiles, child sexual abusers, organ traffickers. Here is a little bit, and i have been sharing a lot with Senator Jacqui Lambie today. She as much in the dark as the rest of Australia has been.
Lot's of actors playing games here people. The Australia Government under Turnbull is controlled by George Soros and the Cabal, they want Sharia law bought in.
All other law its gone, it doesn't exist, Hillary Clinton tried to do this in the USA, we have the Documents that went to the Government on how she tried to do this.
Now the Australian Gov using as well Pauline Hanson and George Christianson, they are doing the same thing - running a Psyop on the Australian people.
You have seen the banter and hatred spewing from Hanson's mouth on all Muslims. OK people here is the Psyop, you have been focusing on her psyobabble and bullshit, while behind your back the Turnbull Gov and his other evil actors have been operating their own little game to which is to bring in Sharia Law.
That saying keep your enemies closer - Trump on Rupert Murdoch and Fox News. Would love to know what Russia has on Murdoch, we know it's something huge, bigger than what's on Clinton's server. Rupert Murdoch one of Soros crew. President Trump would have Rupert Murdoch and Fox by the balls now.
Actually we have seen that transition indicating this, if you have been really paying attention you would have seen the shift.
Readers do you know what a "HONEY TRAP" is, what a Psyop is"
Honey Trap : Deny / Disrupt / Degrade / Deceive. It's the four D's to Psyological war-fare. Used by the CIA, Government, Political parties and Domestic Violence abausers.
We have an article on our website about this.
Anonymous: FBI Sweep Puts US Media In Terror As Trump Prepares To Jail Top Reporters.
When does the greed stop, when does the hatred stop. The gluttony of the Elite for power, for money, for our land - to slave and control humans has to stop.
Australia is one country suffering shocking poverty because of the Elite, because of greed and corruption of Government, and those in control. George Soros and his foot soldiers of pure evil.
President Trump and the Guardians have heard our pleas.
We praise our Creator and the Guardians. God bless you all.
We do quite often up-date our articles after they are published. All of our articles are complied by a team of people.
Another author may come in and add to the article.
Our activists and advocates, are Professionals, speakers, they are parents, they are also victims of Trauma, they are former soldiers, they every day human beings, they come from all walks of life.
We have a very generous graphics design team who donate their time and services for for all of our beautiful posters and videos. Our team of people do not get paid; we are non profit. We use our own money and time as advocates and activists.
Pandora was getting pretty dam tired carrying around that box. You fucking rats, the exterminators are in the house. Run because you are about to get tagged. Anon Wolves have great big teeth and we travel in packs, our bite is lethal. Run you bastards.
ReplyDeleteThe Guardians are watching you, you know your names, they are coming for you.