Malcolm Turnbull's secret plan to profit from Domestic Violence
This is a Press Release Update: Domestic Violence, abuse and Homeless services.
Malcolm Turnbull and the NLP are setting up to profit off abuse and domestic violence.
Rosie Batty works for Turnbull, profiting from abuse, now Turnbull
wants to do the same thing. We wrote this in 2015, and now Labor who
support us, have confirmed this very thing. We have nominated one of our
own professionals for Australian of the Year 2017, Alexandria. You can read about Alexandria through the article links here
and Here
Or you can go to Alexandria's own website to read more about her and the life of abuse she endured. Diary of a Women
You can also read more about Alexandria's abuse Through this article DON'T BE SEDUCED BY THE DARK SIDE also from her website Article Link
You can also read more about Alexandria at the end of this article and through all the article links on our website.
Stop Talking Rosie Batty Article
You can read the articles exposing this and exposing Miss Batty here and Here
You can also read about the devastation of the TPP and privatization in this world wide article. The worlds best, award winning investigative journalist, and human rights activists exposed the truth to the entire world, videos included. This is what world Governments, the Australian Government, Malcolm Turnbull are hiding, what they did not want you to know. CNN picked up this article. Article and Video links HERE
Click on any of our posters for full view external links are highlighted and underlined
Now you have the entire picture why Domestic Violence, child abuse, sexual abuse and homelessness is ignored in Australia by the LNP Government and Malcolm Turnbull.
Why he and Tony Abbott ripped the $300 million from the domestic violence budget, closed shelters, took away legal funding, and the same funding was ripped away from mental health, and homeless. His Grand plan is to profit from these crimes, from the suffering of millions of people, the death of children and victims of abuse. Absolutely Disgraceful.
Two weeks ago The Guardian online paper did an article about "Foundations" and "Organizations" and "Individuals" profiting off abuse. We had sent them three article over the last six months, and finally they did a story exposing this.
Only a monster would do this, and more monsters supporting this disgusting greed.
Malcolm Turnbull has already begun this privatization, the Australian media just wont tell you about it.
Media black out on the truth. This article Wikileaks tells you the truth to that privatization.
And every victims, survivor of domestic violence, sexual abuse, homeless, are absolutely screwed.
Turnbull is having George Brandis re-write laws that will not support victims of abuse, they will do the complete opposite.
There will be no help under the laws and dictatorship of Malcolm Turnbull.
Why do you think he ripped all the funding away from abuse. He was in the works to privatize everything. Read the article, Wikileaks from real investigative journalists who work to bring the world the truth, not the lies and half truths of the Australian media controlled by corporations who also Own the LNP party and Malcolm Turnbull.
Full article from Wikileaks party and what Malcolm Turnbull does not want Australia or the world to know on the privatization, and the laws he is creating Here
Rosie Batty stop stealing our articles, stop plagiarizing from them. You have already been asked by us to stop. You stole our article on the Family Court, and gave it to an online paper, claimed it as your own when it wasn't, the paper had to remove the article you stole from us. We don't support your dribble, your lies to the world. Stop misleading people about abuse, stop victim blaming, just stop full stop. Read the full article here. Stop Talking Rosie Batty
Why he and Tony Abbott ripped the $300 million from the domestic violence budget, closed shelters, took away legal funding, and the same funding was ripped away from mental health, and homeless. His Grand plan is to profit from these crimes, from the suffering of millions of people, the death of children and victims of abuse. Absolutely Disgraceful.
Two weeks ago The Guardian online paper did an article about "Foundations" and "Organizations" and "Individuals" profiting off abuse. We had sent them three article over the last six months, and finally they did a story exposing this.
Only a monster would do this, and more monsters supporting this disgusting greed.
Malcolm Turnbull has already begun this privatization, the Australian media just wont tell you about it.
Media black out on the truth. This article Wikileaks tells you the truth to that privatization.
And every victims, survivor of domestic violence, sexual abuse, homeless, are absolutely screwed.
Turnbull is having George Brandis re-write laws that will not support victims of abuse, they will do the complete opposite.
There will be no help under the laws and dictatorship of Malcolm Turnbull.
Why do you think he ripped all the funding away from abuse. He was in the works to privatize everything. Read the article, Wikileaks from real investigative journalists who work to bring the world the truth, not the lies and half truths of the Australian media controlled by corporations who also Own the LNP party and Malcolm Turnbull.
Full article from Wikileaks party and what Malcolm Turnbull does not want Australia or the world to know on the privatization, and the laws he is creating Here
Rosie Batty stop stealing our articles, stop plagiarizing from them. You have already been asked by us to stop. You stole our article on the Family Court, and gave it to an online paper, claimed it as your own when it wasn't, the paper had to remove the article you stole from us. We don't support your dribble, your lies to the world. Stop misleading people about abuse, stop victim blaming, just stop full stop. Read the full article here. Stop Talking Rosie Batty
Even Jackie Kelly former Minister is exposing the corruption and degradation. Watch the video from former Government Minister. That LNP corruption is controlling everything including, for the last two years the Australian of the Year. Even blind Freddie can see that, what is going on. Corruption Article

Domestic Violence more of a Threat than Terrorism Article
Abuse Does Not Discriminate Article

Degradation Article
Corruption and Elderly Abuse Article
Our Professionals are international speakers and we belong to world wide organizations to address abuse and violence.
All of our articles are complied by a team of people, we have professionals and advocates from all over Australia and the world; men and women, and we also belong to world wide organizations, and work with Federal Authorities world wide, exposing crimes of abuse, violence and corruption.
We have a very generous graphics design team who donate their time and services for free for all of our beautiful posters.
Our team of people do not get paid; we are non profit. We do not make money of abuse, that is simply wrong.
We use our own money and time as advocates and activists. You do not profit from these crimes, that is simply wrong and unacceptable.
Last year we were nominated for a Humanitarian Award.
This year one of our own Alexandria has been nominated for an Australian of the year award 2017.
If you want to read a little more about Alexandria's life of abuse you can do so through her website and article Here Scars — Vulnerability.
We have added little segments through-out our articles on Alexandria's abuse because it is the story of children, men and women world wide. They connect with Alexandria, they are her. We will be adding a full article shortly on Alexandria's life of abuse. She suffered sexual abuse as a child and adult, domestic violence and abuse by her mother, domestic violence and abuse by her husband and also lost a child to domestic violence.
We approached Alexandria last year with our wishes to nominate her for Australian of the year. She declined due to an assault she was still recovering from.
Alexandria was viciously assaulted in her home and suffered serious injuries.